Baltimore is the largest city in the state of Maryland. Baltimore was founded in 1729 along the Patapsco River and the Chesapeake Bay to serve as a port for tobacco trade. By the late 1880's a shipyard was built at Sparrow Point, later acquired by Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation. As Baltimore became an industrial center, manufacturing increased and the port shipped manufactured goods such as clothing, canned products, and tin in addition to tobacco, sugar cane, flour and cotton products to Europe.
During World War II, Baltimore became a war production center focused largely on the production of ships at Bethlehem Steel's Fairfield Yard and aircrafts at Glenn Martin.
The industrial history in Baltimore, Maryland of manufacturing and shipbuilding includes many industries where asbestos containing products were commonly used during the 20th century, putting Baltimore workers at increased risk of developing mesothelioma cancer from asbestos exposure. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Baltimore about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Baltimore, MD
Each state has its own mesothelioma laws and statutes and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred. Our Baltimore mesothelioma attorneys are focused solely on mesothelioma allowing us to navigate the unique legal aspects of these cases and maximize each client's recovery while being sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering.
Baltimore Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
There are a number of cancer centers and doctors in Baltimore that treat mesothelioma. The following are a list of some of the cancer centers that specialize in treatment for mesothelioma. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.
Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center 401 N. Broadway Baltimore, Maryland 21231 |
University of Maryland Medical Center 22 S. Greene Street Baltimore, MD 21201 |
Baltimore Mesothelioma Physicians
Joseph S. Friedberg, M.D.
Professor of Surgery, Head of Thoracic Surgery
University of Maryland Cancer Center
22 South Greene St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 328-6366
Dr. Joseph Friedberg is the Charles Reid Edwards Professor of Surgery and head of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Friedberg received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania College of Engineering and Applied Science and received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard, residencies at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, and a fellowship in cardiothoracic surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Friedberg came to the University of Maryland from Penn Presbyterian Medical Center (part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System), where he was chief of Thoracic Surgery, co-director of the Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Disease Program and an associate professor of thoracic surgery at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine. Dr. Friedberg was recognized by Best Doctors in America for 2009-10 and 2011-12.
Dr. Friedberg’s translational research is focused on developing new, more effective therapies for various types of lung cancer, including mesothelioma. Specifically, he is developing a photodynamic therapy (PDT) - generated autologous tumor vaccine that could be used as a postoperative adjuvant or a primary. PDT involves the use of a photosensitizing drug which interacts with a specific type of light to kill cancer cells.
Petr F. Hausner, M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical Oncologist
University of Maryland Medical Center
22 S. Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
PH: 410-328-7904
Dr. Petr F. Hausner is a medical oncologist at the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center located in Baltimore, Maryland and specializes in treating mesothelioma.
Charles Brian Simone, II, M.D.
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology
University of Maryland Radiation Oncology Associates, P.A.
22 South Greene Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Charles B. Simone, II, MD, is the medical director of the Maryland Proton Treatment Center. He is also an associate professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. In addition, he serves as chair of the Clinical Research Committee for the University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center and as the fellowship director and director of the Stereotactic Radiation Therapy Program for the Department of Radiation Oncology.
Dr. Simone is an internationally recognized expert in the use of proton therapy to treat thoracic malignancies and for reirradiation treatment for patients with lung cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma, thymic malignancies and other thoracic malignancies.
After completing his medical school training at the University of Pennsylvania and an internship in internal medicine, Dr. Simone took his residency training in radiation oncology at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, where he served as chief resident.
Prior to his appointment at University of Maryland, Dr. Simone was chief of the Thoracic Oncology Service at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and co-director of the Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Program for the University of Pennsylvania Health System. He was also the director of Clinical Research and Operations for the Department of Radiation Oncology at University of Pennsylvania.
He is funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation and Department of Defense for clinical and translational research that investigates the benefits of proton therapy as treatment for thoracic malignancies. He also organizes the development of clinical trial strategies and innovative research in thoracic radiation oncology and stereotactic body radiation therapy.
Stephen C. Yang, M.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Division of Thoracic Surgery
600 N. Wolfe Street Blalock 240
Baltimore, MD 21287
(410) 614-3891
Stephen C. Yang, M.D. is Professor of Surgery and Oncology at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and an attending surgeon at both The Johns Hopkins Hospital and The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. He has studied the development of molecular markers for the early diagnosis of lung cancer, the molecular biology of mesothelioma, the detection of telomerase activity to detect the presence of lung cancer and finally, the development of molecular markers for early diagnosis of recurrent lung cancer after surgical resection.
Patrick Forde, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Oncology
Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
401 N. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 2131
410-955-8974 (appointments)
Dr. Forde treats patients with lung cancer, mesothelioma and other thoracic cancers. He completed training in internal medicine and oncology in Ireland prior to undertaking a further fellowship at Johns Hopkins. He is currently Associate Member of the Bloomberg~Kimmel Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy and has led development of a clinical-translational research program focused on the immuno-oncology of upper aerodigestive malignancies. Dr. Forde's research examines the role of neoadjuvant anti-PD-1 therapy in earlier stage lung cancer and his work has led to the development of several ongoing phase 3 trials.
He leads several international phase 2 and 3 clinical trials of novel immunotherapy approaches for lung cancer and mesothelioma that are currently active in Europe, Asia and North America while also serving as principal investigator for the thoracic cancer immunobiology biospecimen repository at Johns Hopkins. He is focused on providing compassionate, state of the art care for his patients in conjunction with a team of oncology specialist nurses, nurse practitioners and dedicated staff.
Baltimore, MD Asbestos Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in Baltimore, MD. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult an attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
- 3900 North Charles Street Apartments
- Abex
- Acands, Inc.
- Adams
- Airco Welding Products
- Algonquin Victory
- Alleghany Community College
- Allied Chemical Corporation
- Alplata
- Amerada Hess Corp. - Baltimore Terminal
- American Tobacco Company
- American Bitumuk Company
- American Can Company
- American Counselor
- American Export Isbrandtsen Lines
- American Hammerod Platon Rings
- American Ice Company
- American Medicinal Spirits Company, Inc.
- American Oil Co. - Wagners Point
- American Oriole
- American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corp.
- American Smelting & Refining Co.
- American Standard
- American Standard Heating & Plumbing
- American Sugar Refining Co.
- American Tobacco Company
- American Union Transport Fwdg Inc.
- Amon
- Amstar Corporation
- Amstar Sugar Refinery
- Anastassia
- Anchor Fence & Post
- Andros Legend
- Angeliki
- Angelos
- Anka
- Anne Arundel City Sanitary
- Apg/ Edgewood Arsenal
- Apts., Murphy Homes
- Archbishop Curley
- Archbishop Keough High School
- Armco Steel Corporation
- Armstrong Contracting & Supply
- Arthur Tufts
- Arunah S. Abel
- Arunal S. Abell
- Arundel Elementary School
- Ashburton Heating Company
- Astoria Light, Heat & Power Co.
- Augustine Victory
- B & O Railroad
- B&O Warehouse
- B. G. & E., Westport
- Back River Treatment Plant
- Balmar Corporation
- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co.
- Baltimore Bleach Dye & Finishing Company
- Baltimore Chrome Works
- Baltimore City Courthouse
- Baltimore City Hall
- Baltimore City Hospital
- Baltimore City Jail
- Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co.
- Baltimore Copper Works
- Baltimore County - Ateaze Senior Center
- Baltimore Electric Power Company
- Baltimore Electric Refining Company
- Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
- Baltimore Housing Authority
- Baltimore Manufacturing Company
- Baltimore Refinery
- Baltimore Resco
- Baltimore Sewage Pumping Plant
- Baltimore Sheet and Tin Plate Company
- Baltimore Sugar Refining Company
- Baltimore Thermal
- Baltimore Transit Co.
- Baltimore United Oil Company
- Balto Copper Smelting & Rolling Co.
- Barr Plant
- Barre Victory
- Bartlett Hayward Company
- Bat
- Baton Rouge Victory
- Baugh Chemical
- Bay View Asylum
- Bayview Medical Center
- Belmont Elementary School
- Ben H. Miller
- Bendix Radio
- Bendix-Broenig Highway
- Benvrackie
- Bernard N. Baker
- Bernheimer Brothers
- Bethlehem Fairfield Shipyard, Inc.
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding
- Bethlehem Shipyard
- Bethlehem Sparrows Point Shipyard
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation
- Bethlehem Steel Key Highway
- Bethlehem Steel Mill
- Bethlehem Steel Shipyards
- Bethlehem Steel Sparrows Point
- BGE - Gould St. Station
- BGE - Terminal Plant
- BGE - Wagner Station
- BGE - Westport Station
- Biddeford Victory
- Bisham Hill
- Black & Decker
- Black River Sewage Plant
- Blaustein Building
- Blue Cross
- Bluewave
- Board of Child Care - Gymnasium
- Bon Secours Hospital
- Borg Warner Corp., York Division
- Boston & Ohio Railroad Co.
- Boston Iron & Metal
- Boston Metals Company
- Brandon Shores Power Plant
- Bristol Paper Products Corp.
- Broadbent & Davis Mantel Company
- Broadview Apts.
- Broadway Medical Office Bldg.
- Broadway Services
- Broening Highway Plant
- Bushrod Washington
- Bwi Airport - Main Building
- Byron Darnton
- C. & P. Telephone Company
- Calvert Distillery
- Calvert Sugar Refining Company
- Calverton Junior High School
- Calypso
- Camerona
- Cancer Research Center
- Canton Box Company
- Canton Railroad Company
- Cape Venetico
- Cardinal Gibbons School
- Carl Thusgaard
- Carling Brewery
- Carlyle Apartments
- Carr Lowrey Glass Company
- Carroll Island Powerhouse
- Carson Ceilings & Walls, Inc.
- Carver Vocational Technical High School
- Caso Standard Oil Company
- Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
- Celanese Corporation of America
- Centeral Falls Victory
- Central District Police Station
- Central Lab & office Building
- Charles Center
- Charles M. Schwab
- Charles P. Crane Generating Station
- Charles Scribner
- Cheelee
- Cherry Hill Housing
- Chesapeake & Ohio Railway
- Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone
- Chesapeake Asphalt Products
- Chesapeake Paper Board Company
- Chevrolet Motor Company - (Division of Gmc)
- Chevron Asphalt Company
- Children's Center
- Church Home and Hospital
- Citta Di Salerno
- City Baking Company
- City Hospital
- City of Colchester
- City of Litchfield
- City of Newport
- City of Stafford
- Civic Center
- Clarence M Mitchell, Jr Court
- Clifton Conduit Company
- Cloverdale Farms Dairy Company
- Coca Cola Company
- Cochran, Hill & Company
- College of Notre Dame
- Color Craft Paint Company
- Colt Insulation
- Colton State
- Columbia
- Columbia Graphophone Co.
- Columbia Mall
- Comfort Sprint Corp
- Commercial Credit
- Conchita
- Condea Vista Company
- Consolidated Gas Electric Light & Power Co.
- Consolidated Gas, Electric & Power Co Riverside
- Constellation Power Source Generation
- Consumer's Gas Elec. Light & Power - Riverside Power Plant
- Contact Paint & Chemical
- Continental Can Company
- Continental Oil Co.
- Continental Trust Company Building
- Corkran Hill and Company, Inc.
- Cotton Mather
- Cotton State
- Crane Generating Station
- Croker & Stallings, Inc.
- Crook Kries Company
- Crosby S. Noyes
- Cross Keys - Quadrangle Building
- Crosse and Blackwell Company
- Crown Cork and Seal Company
- Curtis Bay
- Curtis Bay - US Coast Guard
- Curtis Bay Copper and Iron Works
- Curtis Bay Distillery Company
- Curtis Bay Pigment Plant
- Curtis Bay Plant
- Curtis Bay Shipyard
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Achilles
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Atlantic Challenger
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Cabimas
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Columbia
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Defiance
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Derrick Boat #37
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Dredge "Philadelphia"
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Eclipse
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Edisto
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Enterprise
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Ft. Aleza
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, G.T.S. Admiral Callaghan
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Gaucho Pampa
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Green Springs
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Jeane Hancock
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Marcona Conveyor
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Mobil Aero
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Mobil Meridian
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Mormac Cargo
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Mormac Rigel
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, New Orleans
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Ore Jupiter
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Ore Mercury
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Ore Transport
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Red Jacket
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Argentina
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Austin
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Belgulf Glory
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Columbia
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Columbia
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Lago Maihue
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Lash Espana
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Mobil Gas
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Mobil Meridian
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Mobil Power
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Mormacargo
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Ore Meteor
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. President Jackson
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Red Jacket
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Spencer
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Texaco Illinois
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Texaco Marciano
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, S.S. Valley Forge
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Santos Vega
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.N.S. Harkness
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.S. Brasil
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.S. Charleston
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.S. General J.H. Mcrae
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.S. Navy Truckee
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.S. Neosha
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, U.S.S. Waccamaw
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Union Glory
- Curtis Bay Shipyard, Yacona
- Curtis Bay Works
- Daniel Chester French
- Dap
- David De Vries
- Davison Chemical Corporation
- Days Inn
- Deaton Generator - Charles & Mill Streets
- Deep Creek Middle School
- Defense Plant Corporation
- Deluro
- Department of Social Services
- Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company
- Diplomat Apts
- Domingo De Larrinaga
- Domino Sugar
- Donnybrook Apartments
- Dorothy
- Dunbar High School
- Dundalk High School
- Dupont -Curtis Bay, Boiler Insulation
- E.I. Dupont De Nemours and Co.
- E.W. Horstmeir and Son
- East Point Victory
- East Stainless
- Eastern Rolling Mill Company
- Eastern Stainless Steel Co.
- Eastpoint Mall
- Eclipse
- Eddco Supply Corporation
- Edison Electric Illuminating Co.
- Edmundson High School
- Edvard Grieg
- Edward Cook
- Edward L. Grant
- Edwin A Robinson
- Egan Marine Contracting Co.
- Elbert Hubbard (USs)
- Elie V.
- Elstree Grange
- Emerson Hotel
- Emersonian Apartments
- Emma
- Enterprise Steam & Hot Water Heating Co.
- Entre Rios
- Ericbank
- Esskay
- Esso
- Esso Buffalo [Ship]
- Esso Gettysburg [Ship]
- Esso Standard Oil Company
- Eurymedon
- Exxon
- F. & M. Schaefer Brewing Company
- F.S. Bell
- Fairfield Shipyard
- Fallon Federal office Building
- Family House of Aberdeen
- Federal office Building, Lombard and Hanover
- Federal Yeast Company
- Felippe A. Broadbent Mantel Co.
- Fidelity Baltimore National Bank
- First Maryland Building
- First Maryland National Bank
- Fisher Body Plant
- Fleischmann Company
- Florida State
- Flynn and Emrich
- Fmc Corporation
- Fmc Insecticide Plant
- Food Fair Store - Perring Parkway Plaza
- Food Machinery & Chemical Corp.
- Forest Park Senior High School
- Four Roses Steam Plant
- Francis D. Culkin
- Francis P Duffy (USS)
- Francis Scott Key Medical Center
- Franklin Balmar Corp
- Franklin Square Hospital
- Frederick Banting
- Friendship Airport
- Friendship Airport Firehouse
- Ft. Meade
- G. L. Martin/Mrtn Marietta - Nuclear Reactors
- G.B.M.C. Hospital
- G.E. Insulator Department
- G.L. Martin
- G.W. Gail and Ax Branch
- Gaf (Ruberoid)
- General Electric Company
- General Electric Insulation
- General Motors Corporation
- General Patton
- General Refractories Company
- George M. Cohan
- George Sharswood
- George Sherwood
- George Shiras
- George Vickers
- George W. Woodward
- George Weems
- Giant Food Stores
- Gibbs & Co.
- Gibbs Preserving Company
- Gladfelter Building
- Glass Containers Corp.
- Glen L. Martin Company
- Glen L. Martin Plant
- Glen Martin Aircraft
- Glenlogan
- Glidden Durkee
- Glidden Plant
- Glidden Research Lab
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- Goucher College
- Gould Street Powerhouse
- Grace Division
- Grace Line - Pier 8 Canton Piers
- Grainsville
- Greater Baltimore Medical Center
- Greek Orthodox Church, 24 W. Preston St.
- Green Contracting Company
- Greenspring High School
- Greenwald Packing Company
- Grefco
- Gulf Oil
- Gulf Stream
- Gunther Brewing Company
- Gunther's Brewery
- Gwyn Falls School
- H&S Bakery
- H.A. Wagner Power Plant
- Halethorpe
- Hamilton Hotel
- Hamms Brewing Company
- Hampshire Corporation
- Hannis Distilling Company
- Harbison Walker Refractories
- Harbison-Walker
- Harbor Hospital
- Harford Hills Elementary School
- Harold L Winslow
- Haverford Victory
- Hebrew Hospital
- Hecht Company
- Heilmann Brewery
- Henry G. Costin
- Henry L Benning
- Henry Sonneborn Co.
- Herbert A. Wagner Station
- Hess Oil Company
- Hickory Elementary School
- High Point Victory
- Highfield Apartments
- Highland Tower Station
- Hilton Elementary School
- Hilton Hotel
- Hinde and Dauch Paper Company
- Hochschild-Kohn
- Holdtite Mfg.
- Holland Thompson
- Holy Rosary Church
- Home for the Aged
- Hong Qi 147
- Horace Gray
- Hotel Belvidere - Coffee Shop
- Howard A. Kelly
- Howard Senior High School
- Howard Victory
- Hughes & Rigby Engineering Co.
- Humble Oil & Refining Co.
- Hw Wagner Station - Unit 4
- I.B.E.W #24 - Headquarters Bldg.
- Immanuel Lutheran Church
- Inter-Coastal Paint Corp.
- Israel J Merritt
- Istros 11
- J Whitridge Williams
- J.F. Ford Fords Grand Opera House
- J.H.H. Hospital, Admin Bldg.
- J.H.U. College, various bldgs.
- Jacob H Schiff
- Janet Lord Roper
- Jemcor Realty Company
- Jersey May
- Jewish Medical Center
- John Bannard
- John Dushane & Co., Woodbine Mills
- John Gallup
- John H. Hatton
- John H. Heald and Company
- John Hopkins Hospital
- John J Mcgraw
- John L Deaton Center
- John Laforge
- John Motley
- John Russell Pope
- John Woolman
- Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Jose Artigas
- Jose Marti
- Jose Warti
- Joseph E. Seagram Company
- Joseph Feuer
- Joseph Leidy
- Joseph P. Bradley
- Joshua W. Alexander
- Joyce Kilmer
- Jules Fribourg
- Kaiser Aluminum
- Kaiser Refractories
- Kaspaugh Rubber Co
- Katina
- Kaydon Ring & Seal, Inc.
- Keelung
- Kennecott Copper Refinery
- Kennecott Refining Corporation
- Keswick Home for the Incurables
- Key Highway Shipyard
- Key Highway Shipyard, Falcon Countess
- Key Highway Shipyard, Pennsylvania Sun
- Key Highway Shipyard, S.S. Golden Falcon
- Key Highway Shipyard, Spirit of Liberty
- Keyser Building, Adams and Schwab
- Keystone State
- Kimball Tyler and Company
- Kingan and Company
- Kopalnia Miechpwice
- Koppers Company
- Korvettes Department Store
- Kota Baroe (USs)
- Kuniang
- Lafayette Court Apartments
- Lalande
- Leaseway Systems of Baltimore, Inc.
- Legum Distributors - Baltimore Parkway
- Leo J Duster
- Leroy Insulation Company
- Lever Brothers Company
- Lewis Emery Jr.
- Lexington Street Apartments
- Lexington Terrace Apartments
- Leyte (USS)
- Liberty Place Apartments
- Lithol
- Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home
- Loch Raven Apartments
- Loch Raven High School
- Locke Incorporated
- Locke Insulators
- Locust Point
- Lombard Junior High School
- Lord Baltimore Press
- Lord Delaware
- Louis Kossuth
- Louis Yaekel Building
- Louisa M. Alcott
- Lower Yard
- Loyola College
- Lt. Raymond O. Beaudoin
- Lucile Bloomfield
- Lumber Carrier
- Lynchburg Victory
- Lynn Victory
- M & T Chemicals Inc.
- Main Post Office, Fayette St.
- Manganese Chemical Corp.
- Margaret Brent
- Maria Eleni
- Marine
- Marine Carrier
- Marine Clipper
- Marlborough Apartments
- Marshall Victory
- Martin Airport
- Martin Company
- Martin Marietta
- Martin State Airport
- Mary Moller
- Maryland Biscuit Company
- Maryland Casualty
- Maryland Cup
- Maryland Dry Dock & Shipbuilding Company
- Maryland Dry Dock Co. - Curtis Bay
- Maryland Drydock Company
- Maryland General Hospital
- Maryland Glass Corp.
- Maryland Ice Company
- Maryland National Bank
- Maryland Overpak Corp.
- Maryland Pavement Company
- Maryland Portland Cement Company
- Maryland Rehabilitation Center
- Maryland Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.
- Maryland Steel Company, Sparrows Point
- Maryland Terminals Company, Curtis Bay
- Maryland Terminals Corporation
- Marylander Apartments
- Masonry Service Co.
- Matheson Building
- Mathieson Bldg.
- Matthew Brush
- Mc Cormick Asbestos Company
- Mccloskey Co - Blaustein Bldg.
- Mccormick Asbestos Company
- Mccullah Apartments
- Md General Hospital
- Melvil Dewey
- Mercantile Safe Deposit & Trust Building
- Mercy Hospital
- Meta D.
- Mexican Petroleum Corporation
- Mid Atlantic Coca Cola
- Middle River High School
- Middleborough School
- Miguel De Larrinaga
- Mimosa
- Mindanao
- Mineral Pigment Corporation
- Mitera
- Moderator
- Mondawmin Shopping Center
- Montebello Hospital
- Morgan State College
- Morton Reed and Company
- Mount Clare
- Mount Royal Pumping Station
- Mount Sinai Hospital
- Mount Vernon Company
- Mount Vernon Mills
- Mount Vernon Shops, Pennsylvania Railroad
- Mount Whitney
- Mt. Sinai Hospital
- Murphy Homes Apartments
- Mutual Chemical Company of America
- N.Y.U. Victory
- Nan Hai
- Nan Hai 142
- Nan Hai 147
- Nathan Clifford
- National Brewing Co.
- National Can Co.
- National Enameling and Stamping Co.
- National Engineering Co.
- National Gypsum Company
- National Sugar Manufacturing Co.
- Nausica
- Neva West
- New Carlings Brewery
- New Forest
- New Gerontology Bldg.
- New Rochelle Trails
- Newport News Shipyard
- Ng Manufacturing Plant
- Ninfea
- North Light
- Northern Central Elevator-Canton
- Northern Electric Company
- Northern High School
- Northwest High School
- Northwestern Senior High School
- Norton Tin Plate and Can Company
- Notre Dame College - Engineering & Science Bldg.
- Oakley Wood
- Ocean C.
- Ocean Lotte
- Ocean Mariner
- Ocean Nora
- Oceanic Wave
- Office Area, Key Highway
- Old South Baltimore Hospital
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation
- Olin Underground
- Orangeville Shops
- Orems Elementary School
- Owen Illinois Can Co.
- Owens-Corning Supply Corporation
- P.W. Sprague
- Pacific Star
- Pacific Stronghold
- Parkville High School
- Patapsco Scrapyard
- Patrick C. Boyle
- Penn Central
- Pennsylvania Railroad
- Pennsylvania Sun
- People's Court
- Pepsi Cola
- Phelps Packing & Rubber Co.
- Philadelphia Quartz Company
- Pier Dundalk Marine Terminal
- Pigeon
- Pigment Plant Curtis Bay
- Pimlico Race Track
- Plenum 1st Maryland Building
- Pocahontas Fuel
- Poly Western High School
- Poly Western Tech School
- Polytechic Institute
- Polytechnic High School
- Polywestern Tech School
- Port of Baltimore
- Port of Baltimore, Ammo Barges
- Port of Baltimore, Canton
- Port of Baltimore, Curtis Bay
- Port of Baltimore, Dundalk
- Port of Baltimore, Fairfield
- Port of Baltimore, Light Street
- Port of Baltimore, Locust Point
- Port of Baltimore, Sparrows Point
- Porter Hayden Company
- Post Office Building
- Power & Combustion
- Powerhouse, Gould St.
- Praglia
- Pratt St. Power House
- President Boshoff
- Priscilla Alden
- Procter & Gamble Company
- Proctor Silex Co.
- Prospect
- Provident Hospital - Liberty Medical Center
- Prudential Oil
- R.E. Michel
- Radio Plant, Radio Equip
- Railroad B. & O., Coal Pier
- Regal Laundry & Zoric Dry Cleaners
- Reid Avery Manufacturing
- Remington & Son Manufacturing
- Revere Copper and Brass Company
- Richard Cromwell Trustee
- Richard Morton
- Riggs, Distler and Stringer Inc.
- Rio Chubut
- Rio Mar
- Ritchie Highway Shopping Center
- Riverside Substation
- Robert Eden
- Robert Erskine
- Rock Hill Victory
- Rockland Bleach & Dye
- Rockland Industries
- Rollins Victory
- Ross G Marvin
- Rudby
- Rufus W. Perkham
- Rushville Victory
- Saint Agnes Hospital
- Saint Michael's School
- Saint Rita's Church
- Samaffric
- Samburgh
- Samclyde
- Samcolne
- Samconon
- Samcree
- Samdak
- Samdauntless
- Samettrick
- Sameveron
- Samfeugh
- Samflora
- Samglory
- Saminver
- Samite
- Samkey
- Samlea
- Samleven
- Samluzon
- Samneagh
- Samnethy
- Samnid
- Samoa
- Samois
- Samokla
- Samora
- Samos
- Sampenn
- Samsacola
- Samskern
- Samspelga
- Samsylvan
- Samtay
- Samtorch
- Samtroy
- Samtweed
- Samuel M. Ralston
- Samwater
- Samwis
- Sansalvador
- Santa Rosa
- Savings Bank of Baltimore
- Schaeffer's Brewery
- Schmidt Baking Company
- Scm Chemical
- Scott Mchenry Streets Stations
- Scullin Steel Company
- Sculptor
- Seabord Asphalt Products Co.
- Seafreeze Pacific
- Seagrams
- Sealife
- Sears, Roebuck & Company, Security Square
- Security Square Mall, Depaul Jewelry
- Security Square Mall, Deyoung Shoe Store
- Security Square Mall, Gordon's Jewelry
- Serbistan
- Shaeffers Brewery/Hamms Brewery
- Sheepshead Bay Victory
- Sheppard Pratt Hospital
- Sid Harvey
- Signode Plant
- Silver Falcon
- Sinai Hospital
- Slade Avenue High Rise
- Sonneborn Building
- South Baltimore General Hospital
- Southeastern Police Station
- Southern Hotel
- Southern State Forum
- Sparrows Point Shipyard
- Spartansburg Victory
- Speilman Building
- Spring Garden Plant
- Spring Garden Station
- Spring Gardens Plaza
- Spring Grove Hospital
- Springbank
- St. Agnes Hospital
- St. Augustine Victory
- St. Joseph's Hospital
- St. Mary's Cathedral
- St. Mary's Seminary Chapel
- Stamford Hill
- Standard Insulation Co. of Maryland
- Standard Oil Co.
- Standard Oil Refinery
- Stanthorpe
- Station Y
- Steamship Corporation
- Stebbing Company
- Stebbins and Sons
- Steelworker's Union Hall
- Stewart's - Westview Shopping Center
- Strickler Engineering Corporation
- Sun Life
- Sun Ship
- Sunset
- Sussex Elementary School
- Sutton Place Apartments
- Sweetheart Cup Co.
- Swindell Brothers
- T.J. Smith
- Tainaron
- Teamsters Hall
- Tench Tilghman
- Texas Transport
- Thaddeus Kosciusko
- The African Ships - Key Highway Shipyard [Ship]
- The Calmar Lines - Key Highway Shipyard [Ship]
- The Farrell Lines - Key Highway Shipyard [Ship]
- The Lykes Lines - Key Highway Shipyard [Ship]
- The Mccormick Asbestos Company
- The York-Mar - Key Highway Shipyard [Ship]
- Thekla
- Theodore Hamm Brewing Company
- Theodore Roosevelt
- Thomas F. Baker
- Thomas F. Bayard
- Thomas Nelson Page
- Thomas U. Walter
- Thos. C. Basshor Company
- Tin Decorating Co. of Baltimore
- Todd Shipyard
- Todd-Johnson Dry Dock Inc.
- Transglobe
- Trigen Baltimore Thermal Energy Corp.
- Trinaron
- Tritonia
- Turners Station
- Tusculum Victory
- Tynes Smith Factory
- U. S. Coast Guard
- U.S. Gypsum Co.
- U.S. Veterans Admin. Hospital
- U.S.S. Caloosahatchee (Ao 98)
- Umbc
- Union Abattoir
- Union Memorial Hospital
- Union Railroad
- Union Station
- Union Trust Company
- United Railways and Electric Co.
- United States Industrial Alcohol Company
- University of Baltimore
- University of Maryland Hospital
- University of Maryland, various bldgs.
- Uplands Apartments
- US Food and Drug Building
- US Industrial Chemicals, Inc.
- US Shipping Board
- Valiant Faith
- Vassiliki
- Vassilis
- Vergelgen
- Veterans Hospital
- Village Cross Keys
- Virginia Cross Key
- W.R. Grace and Company
- Wagner Station Powerhouse
- Wagner Station Unit #4 - Curtis Bay
- Walbrook High School
- Walco Supply Co.
- Wallace & Gale Co.
- Wallace Asbestos Inc.
- Wallbrook Senior High School
- Walters Art Gallery
- Wang Knight
- Warehouse - 500 Key Highway
- Warner Lambert
- Washington Baltimore & Annapolis Electric Railway
- Waycross Victory
- Webster Victory
- Westbrook
- Westbrook Victory
- Western Electric Company
- Western Police Station
- Western Senior High School
- Western Vocational Technical C
- Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.
- Westport Power Plant
- Westview Shopping Mall
- Willard Hall
- William H. Webb
- William Hall
- William McKinley
- William R. Cox
- William S. Halsted
- William S. Patterson
- William W. Gerhard
- Williamette Trader
- Wilmer Institute
- Wilson Distillery Company
- Wilson Victory
- Wise Brothers
- Wm. Schluderberg-T.J. Kurdle Co.
- Wood Weeks and Company
- Woodbridge Victory
- York Borg-Warner
- Young Co J S
- Zini
Baltimore Zip Codes Served
Our mesothelioma attorneys have represented hundreds of clients like you in almost every state. No matter where you are, we can help. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Baltimore about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Below are zip codes served in Baltimore, MD:
21201, 21202, 21205, 21206, 21207, 21208, 21209, 21210, 21211, 21212, 21213, 21214, 21215, 21216, 21217, 21218, 21222, 21223, 21224, 21225, 21226, 21227, 21228, 21229, 21230, 21231, 21234, 21236, 21237, 21239, 21251
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