Boston is the largest city and the capital of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as well as the county seat of Suffolk County. Boston was originally founded in 1630 by Puritan colonists from England on the Shawmut Peninsula. The city of Boston today has expanded the original peninsula through annexation and land reclamation.
Boston is one of the oldest cities in the United States and was a key city in the American Revolution. The natural harbor in Boston made it a hub for fishing, shipping and shipbuilding beginning with the first colonists, but the city became a center for manufacturing and shipping as the port gained wealth exporting fish, salt, tobacco and rum. The Boston Naval Shipyard, originally the Charlestown Navy Yard, was built in 1801 and produced Navy ships and employing thousands in the Boston area until the 1970s.
Manufacturing boomed in Boston as small rivers bordering the city and railroad provided the infrastructure and power for mills and factories and immigrants poured into the city providing labor. Boston led the nation in clothing, leather and machinery manufacturing. By the mid-20th century, like many manufacturing centers in New England, Boston’s manufacturing industry slowed. Urban renewal projects in the late 1950s led to good years for construction and the economy in Boston by the 1970s.
Boston is a city with a rich cultural history. Unfortunately the city’s history of manufacturing, shipbuilding and construction includes many jobsites and occupations where asbestos containing materials were popularly used, putting workers at an increased risk of developing mesothelioma cancer from asbestos exposure.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Boston, Massachusetts about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Boston
Our Boston, MA mesothelioma lawyers are focused solely on mesothelioma allowing us to devote our full resources to maximizing each client's recovery. We understand the challenges you are now facing with a diagnosis of mesothelioma and we are sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering as we navigate the unique legal aspects of mesothelioma cases.
It is important to know that each state has its own mesothelioma laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.
Boston, MA Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
The following are cancer centers that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma in Boston, MA. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 44 Binney Street Boston, MA 02115 |
Brigham and Women's Hospital International Mesothelioma Program 75 Francis Street Boston, MA 02115 |
Boston Mesothelioma Physicians
Abraham (Avi) Lebenthal, M.D.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
He is board certified in General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery. He completed a residency in General Surgery at the Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, and spent a clinical year learning advanced laparoscopic technique at the Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York. His clinical interests include minimally invasive foregut surgery, benign and malignant esophageal disease, and lung transplantation.
Raphael Bueno, M.D.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Division of Thoracic Surgery
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA 02115
Raphael Bueno, M.D., is the chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery. While maintaining an interest in lung cancer and esophageal cancer, much of his most recent research has focused on treating mesothelioma. In the field of research, Bueno attempts to better understand the behavior of mesothelioma at the molecular level and uses his findings to design new and novel diagnostic and therapeutic modes for the treatment of mesothelioma.
Pasi A. Janne, M.D.
Director, Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology
Scientific Director, Belfer Institute for Applied Cancer Science
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
450 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 632-6875
(617) 632-6036 Office/Appointments
Dr. Jänne received his M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1996. He completed postgraduate training in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and in medical oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in 2001. He currently works in the Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. His main research interests include the study of epidermal growth factor receptor mutations in non-small cell lung cancer and their impact on the efficacy of EGFR-targeted therapeutic agents.
David J. Kwiatkowski, M.D.
Thoracic Oncologist
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Boston, MA 02215
(877) 332-4294
Dr. David J. Kwiatkowski is a thoracic oncologist who specializes in treating thoracic malignancies, including mesothelioma. He treats mesothelioma patients from around the country.
Bruce E. Johnson, MD
Chief Clinical Research Officer
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
450 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Office phone: (617) 632-4790
Appointment phone: (617) 632-5304
Fax: (617) 632-5786
Dr. Johnson prefers to be contacted by e-mail.
Dr. Johnson is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Dana-Farber/Partners Cancer Care Thoracic Oncology, a treatment partnership that includes Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital as well as Dana-Farber. Johnson earned his medical degree in 1979 from the University of Minnesota. He trained as a resident at the University of Chicago and the National Cancer Institute. Prior to joining the staff at Dana-Farber in 1999, Johnson directed the Lung Cancer Biology Section at the National Cancer Institute.
Scott J. Swanson, M.D.
Chief Surgical Officer
Disease Center Leader, Thoracic Oncology
Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
450 Brookline Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Office: 617-525-7532
Appointments: 617-732-6824
Dr. Swanson received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School in 1985. He subsequently completed his residency in General Surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital, and his fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Brigham and Womens Hospital. He is Board Certified in Surgery and Thoracic Surgery. Dr. Swanson is the Director of the Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Program at Brigham and Womens Hospital and he serves as Chief Surgical Officer and Thoracic Oncology Disease Center Leader for the DFCI/BWH Thoracic Oncology Program. His clinical interests include thoracic oncology, minimally invasive surgery, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, sarcoma, and thymoma.
Dr. Marcelo DaSilva
Focus: Pleural & Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street
Boston, MA
Dr. DaSilva has been practicing medicine for 25 years. He is known for his vast experience with mesothelioma and his optimistic outlook for treating patients. He is board certified in general surgery, trauma and surgical critical care, and cardiothoracic surgery.
He currently travels between two states to treat patients. He is a surgeon at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts and played a pivotal role in bringing peritoneal treatment to their mesothelioma program. Dr. DaSilva is also the chief of thoracic surgery at Care New England in Rhode Island.
Richard Kradin, M.D.
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
55 Fruit Street
Boston, MA 02114
PH: 617-726-2967
Dr. Kadin is board certified in Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Disease by the American Board of Internal Medicine as well as being certified in Anatomic Pathology by the American Board of Pathology.
Boston, MA Asbestos Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in Boston, MA. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult an attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
- 2-L St. Station South
- 325 Mt Vernon Street
- 3rd District Station
- A T & T Co.
- A.J. Harris, 645 Summer St.
- A.S. Campbell Company
- Academy Homes
- Albany Building
- Albert & J.M. Anderson Manufacturing Company
- Allen & Berenson
- American Bell Telephone Building
- American Net and Twine Company
- American Sugar Refining Company
- American Tube Works
- American Woolen Company, Inc.
- Ames Theatre
- Anderson Nichols & Co
- Andrew-Myerson Company
- Annex to City Hall
- Armstrong
- Ashton Valve Company
- Associate Auto Body, 1st Street
- AT & T Telephone Company
- Avon Street Trust
- B.F. Keith Theatre Company of Boston
- B.F. Sturtevant Company
- Back Bay Towers
- Badger for Miles Labs
- Balcom Electric
- Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company
- Bateson Construction
- Bay State Gas Company
- Bay State Street Railway Company
- Bay State Sugar Refinery
- Beacon Steam Laundry Company
- Bemis Brothers Bag Company
- Berg Dimare & Berg
- Berke Brothers Distilleries
- Beth Israel Hospital
- Bethlehem Hingham Shipyard
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation
- Bibber White Company
- Bijou Theatre
- Bivin
- Blake Building
- Block Plant Electric Light Company
- Blodgett Estate
- Boston & Albany Railroad Company
- Boston & Maine Railroad Company
- Boston & Northern Street Railway Company
- Boston & Oaxaca Mining Company
- Boston & Worcester Street Railway Company
- Boston Arena Company
- Boston Aurora Zinc Company
- Boston Beer Company
- Boston Bridge Works
- Boston City Hall
- Boston City Hospital
- Boston College
- Boston Consolidated Gas Company
- Boston Edison Company
- Boston Electric Light Company
- Boston Elevated Railroad Company
- Boston English High School
- Boston Federal Building
- Boston Federal Reserve Bank
- Boston Five Cents Savings Bank, School St.
- Boston Fuel Transportation, Inc.
- Boston Gas Co.
- Boston Harbor Industrial Park
- Boston Harbor Yacht Club
- Boston Herald Company
- Boston Housing Authority
- Boston Latin School
- Boston Logan International Airport
- Boston Music Hall
- Boston Naval Shipyard
- Boston Navy Yard
- Boston Northern Street Railway Company
- Boston Park Plaza Hotel
- Boston Plumbing & Building Supply
- Boston Public Schools
- Boston Sand & Gravel Co.
- Boston Sausage
- Boston Schools
- Boston Social Security Building
- Boston State College
- Boston State Hospital, Service Building, West Side
- Boston Sugar Refinery
- Boston Symphony Hall
- Boston Trade School
- Boston Union Std Building Job
- Boston University Hospital
- Boston University, Nursing School
- Boston University, various buildings
- Bradlee and Chatman Company
- Braman, Dow & Company
- Brayton Point Power Plant
- Brigham & Womens Hospital
- Brighams at the Prudential Center
- C. E. Cotting Estate
- C.J. Cox Engineering
- C.P. Blouin
- Callahan Tunnel
- Cambridge City Hospital
- Cambridge Electric Light Co.
- Capitol Tire & Rubber Company
- Carter Building
- Castle Square Hotel
- Center Plaza 1
- Center Plaza 2
- Center Plaza 3
- Central Catholic Laundry
- Central Power Plant
- Charles A. Sinclair Quincy House
- Charles H. Leinert
- Charles River Park
- Charles River Park Apartments
- Charles River Plaza Office Building
- Charleston Naval Shipyard
- Charlestown Station
- Chase Building
- Chelsea Naval Shipyard
Children's Hospital
- Christian Science Benevolent Association
- Chronic Disease Hospital
- City Hall
- City of Boston - Municipal Auditorium
- City of Boston South Bay Incinerator
- Clark Cove Realty Company
- Class A Fittings
- Cleghom Company
- Cocheco Manufacturing Company
- Cochrane Chemical Company
- Cochrane Harper and Company
- Columbia Improvement Company
- Commonwealth Edison Company
- Commonwealth of Massachusetts State House
- Community Suffolk Produce Company
- Concord Maynard & Hudson Street Railway Company
- Continental Construction Company
- Continental Refinery
- Copley-Plaza Hotel
- Countway Library, Harvard University Medicine
- Cowie
- Craftmen's Machinery Corporation
- Curtis Asbestos
- Cycloidal Engineering Company
- D.E. Ford and Company
- Dana Farber Cancer Center
- Deaconess Hospital
- Densmore and Le Clear
- Dolibur-Goodale Company
- Domino Sugar Refinery
- Doran
- Dorchester Station
- E.I. Du Pont De Nemours
- East Boston Shipyard
- East Boston Sugar Refinery
- East Cambridge Station
- East Logan Airport
- Eastern Cold Storage Company
- Eastern Steam Laundry Company
- Edison Electric & Illuminating Company of Boston
- Edison Electric Illuminating Company
- Edison Electric Light Company, Dept. Isolated Lighting
- Edison Light & Power Station
- Edward F. Byrnes Corporation
- Electric Manufacturing Company
- Emmanuel Church
- Emmanuel College
- English and Flett
- F.C. Hood
- Federal Office Building, Government Center
- Federal Reserve Bank
- Filenes Department Store
- Fire Department Headquarters 115 Southampton St.
- First National Bank
- Fitch
- Forrest
- Frank Flater
- Frank L. Young & Kimball
- Franklin Institute, Tremont St.
- General Electric
- General Motors Corporation
- General Services Administration
- Geo B. Fearing Residence
- George A. Fuller Construction Company
- George D. Emory Company
- George F. Blake Manufacturing Company
- George H. Sampson Company
- George H. Wood and Company
- Gibbons Engineering
- Gillette Safety Razor Company
- Globe House Nail Company
- Gold Plumbing
- Graduate Center
- Grosby Steam Gauge and Valve Company
- Gwin
- H.C. Burke & Company
- Hallet and Davis
- Hancock Building
- Hancock Inspirator Company
- Harvard Housing
- Harvard Medical School
- Harvard School of Public Health
- Harvard University - Behavioral Science Bldg.
- Harvard University - Medical Center Powerhouse
- Harvard University Medical School
- Hayes Oil Products
- Henry N. Clark Company
- Hern Furlong Company
- Hewes and Phillips Iron Works
- Hingham Shipyard
- Hinman Asbestos
- Hinman Associates
- Hollingsworth and Whitney Company
- Hollis French and Allen Hubbard
- Homans Associates
- Hood Milk
- Hooper Boiler Setting
- Hotel Bellevue
- Hotel Braemore
- Hotel Statler
- Hunt Spiller Manufacturing Corporation
- Huntington Avenue
- Hyde Park Electric Light & Power Company
- IBM Building
- Industrial Improvement Company
- Ingalls and Kendrickson
- Insulation Specialties, Inc.
- International Grenfell Association
- International Paper Co.
- International Trust Building
- Italian Children's Home
- J. Middleby Company
- J.A. & W. Bird and Company
- J.A. Grant and Company
- J.F.K. Federal Office Building
- J.S. Potter
- Jaito and Company
- James F. Shaw and Company
- Jarka Corporation
- Jarvis Engineering Company
- Jas. T. Shaw and Company
- Jh Westerbeke Corp.
- John F. Kennedy Federal Building
- John Hancock Building
- John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
- John Hancock Tower
- Jordan Marsh Company
- Joseph Middleby Jr., Inc.
- Katherine Gibbs School
- Kennedy School
- Keystone Building
- Kneeland St. Heating Plant
- Kneeland Street Station Powerhouse
- L Street Station Powerhouse
- Labonte Oil
- Lahey Pavilion - N. E. Baptist Hospital
- Lawrence Building
- Lewis
- Lfe Corporation
- Liberty Mutual Insurance
- Lincoln Wharf Station
- Lockwood Greene and Company
- Logan International Airport
- Lord & Taylor Store, Prudential Center
- Lynn & Woodward
- Lynn and Boston Railroad Company
- Lynn Station
- M.B.T.A., High St.
- Maine Medical Center, School of Nursing
- Majestic Theatre
- Malden Electric Company
- Malden Hospital
- Manganaro Brothers, Inc.
- Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Inc.
- Mason Regulator Co.
- Masonic Temple - Boylston St.
- Mass Eye and Ear
- Mass Institute of Technology - various buildings
- Massachusetts Fire Proof Storage Warehouse Co.
- Massachusetts Electric Company
- Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- Massachusetts General Life Building
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Maternity Hospital
- Massachusetts State House
- Mattapan Chronic Disease Hospital
- Mattapan State Hospital
- Mayrant
- Mccormack State Office Building
- Medi-Center, Harrison Ave.
- Mental Health Center, Government Center
- Meredith
- Merrill Company
- Metropolitan District Water Commission
- Millstone Fittings
- Milton Hospital
- Municipal Auditorium
- Museum of Science, Science Park
- Mystic Power Station
- N.E. Baptist Hospital
- N.E. Deaconess Hospital, Laundry & Shop Addition
- Nashua Manufacturing
- Navy Fuel and Oil Depot
- Negea Canal
- New England Aquarium
- New England Baptist Hospital
- New England Branch, United States Baking Co.
- New England Conservatory of Music
- New England Deaconess Hospital
- New England Fair
- New England Gas and Coke Company
- New England Insulation Company
- New England Medical Center
- New England Merchants Bank
- New England Merchants National Bank
- New England Mutual Life Insurance Building
- New England Power Company
- New England Telephone & Telegraph Company
- New England Telephone Building
- New Hotel Statler/Statler Hilton Hotel
- Newfork Newhann and Hartford Railroad Co.
- Newport and Fall River Street Railway Co.
- Newton Wellesley Hospital
- Niles Estate Trustees
- Noddle Construction
- Norcross Brothers
- North Packing and Provision Company
- Northeastern University
- Office Tower - #1 Beacon St
- Old Colony Real Estate Trust
- Old Colony Street Railway Company
- One Center Plaza
- Orange Rockland Utilities
- Osberg
- Osteopathic Hospital
- Ottawa Railway Light and Power Company
- Oxford Paper Company
- P. S. Thorsen Company
- Park Square Building
- Parker House
- Pavilion Building
- Pch RR - Southampton Street Yards - Milton Academy
- Pch Rr - Southampton Street Yards - Mount Auburn Hospital
- Perrini Corp.
- Phoenix Urban Inc.
- Pioneer Engineering
- Plymouth County Street Railway Company
- Pontiac Village
- Post Office - 1St St.
- Proctor Estate
- Prudential Building / Prudential Center
- Prudential Tower
- Ps Thorsen Insulation Co.
- Public Service Co.
- Pump Equipment & Engineering Company
- Quincy Market Cold Storage & Warehouse Company
- R. Marston and Company
- Ralph P. Hall, Inc.
- Ritz Carlton Hotel
- Rizzi
- Robert B. Brigham Hospital
- Rollin H. Allen
- Royal Metal Company
- S.A. Currier & Company
- S.D. Warren and Company
- Scollay Square Theater
- Scotia St. Station
- Shattuck Hospital
- Shawmut National Bank
- Sheraton Boston Hotel
- Shriners Hospital
- Silverstein
- Simplex Electrical Company
- Smith and Whaley Company
- Somerset Hotel
- South Bay Incinerator
- South Boston High School
- South Boston Naval Drydock
- South Boston Postal Annex
- South Boston Power Station
- South Brewer Mill
- South Postal Annex
- Southampton Street Yards
- Standard Sugar Refinery
- Stanton Electrical Company
- State House
- State Mutual Building
- State Office Building, Cambridge St.
- State Street Bank
- Statler Hilton Hotel
- Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation
- Stop & Shop Bakery Division
- Stop & Shop Warehouse
- Stop & Shop, Inc.
- Sturdy Lantern
- Submarine Signal Company
- Suburban Gas and Electric Company
- Sufflolk Law School
- Suffolk County (USS)
- Suffolk University
- Sumner Company
- Superior Fast Black and Chemical Company
- Swan Incandescent Electric Light Company
- Ta Company, Operative Sheetmetal Works
- Tech Square
- Telephone Building - Harrison St.
- Textron, Incorporated
- The Albany - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Barry - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Boston - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Decatur - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Garcia - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Glover - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Glover - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Mispillion - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Providence - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Thor - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- The Wasp - Boston Naval Shipyard [Ship]
- Thomas G. Plant Company
- Thompson-Houston International Electric Co.
- Tileston & Hollingsworth Company
- Tileston School
- Travelers Insurance Building
- Tremont Street Residences
- Trinity Court
- Trubilt Truck Body
- Tubular Rivet & Stud
- Tucker, Anthony and Company
- Turner Construction
- U. S. Naval Shipyard
- U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital
- Unemployment Security Building, Government Center
- United Drug Company
- United Electric Securities Company
- United Fruit Trading Company
- United Shoe Machinery Company
- University Hospital
- University of Massachusetts
- US Coast Guard
- US Navy Yard
- Veterans Administration Hospital
- W.F. Schrafft and Sons Corporation
- W.J. Niles Estate
- Walke
- Walker Building
- Walworth Company
- Walworth Construction and Supply Company
- Walworth English Fleet Company
- Warehouse 13 Incorporated
- Warren Chambers
- Warwick Mills
- Wentworth Institute
- Wentworth Institute of Boston
- West End Development
- West End Railway Company
- West End Redevelopment - Charles River Park
- West End Street Railway Company
- Westinghouse Electric Co.
Boston Zip Codes Served
Our mesothelioma attorneys have represented hundreds of clients like you in almost every state, including hard working men and women in Boston, Massachusetts. No matter where you are, we can help. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Boston about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Below are zip codes served in Boston, MA:
02108, 02109, 02110, 02111, 02113, 02114, 02115, 02116, 02118, 02119, 02120, 02121, 02122, 02124, 02125, 02126, 02127, 02128, 02129, 02130, 02131, 02132, 02134, 02135, 02136, 02151, 02152, 02163, 02199, 02203, 02210, 02215, 02467
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