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Connecticut Mesothelioma Lawyers

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  • Step 1 of 2: What is the diagnosis?

Connecticut State FlagOur mesothelioma attorneys are proud to represent mesothelioma victims and their families across the United States, including hardworking men and women in Connecticut.

The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. Throughout the 20th century, tons of asbestos were mined in the United States and used in products across many industries, including Connecticut military bases, construction sites, schools, universities and factories.

Major cities in Connecticut where asbestos exposure is known to have occurred at job sites include:

  • Bridgeport
  • New Haven
  • Hartford
  • Stamford
  • Waterbury
  • Norwalk
  • Danbury
  • New Britain
  • West Hartford
  • Meriden

Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Connecticut

Our Connecticut mesothelioma lawyers spend their time focused solely on mesothelioma, allowing us to navigate the unique legal aspects of mesothelioma cases and maximize each client's recovery while remaining sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering.

It is important to know that every state has its own laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.

Connecticut Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

The following are cancer centers in Connecticut that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma cancer. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.

Yale Cancer Center Mesothelioma Treatment    Hartford Hospital Connecticut Mesothelioma Treatment Center 

Yale Cancer Center
333 Cedar Street,
New Haven, CT 208028


Hartford Hospital
Thoracic Oncology Program
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CT 06102

Connecticut Mesothelioma Physicians

Carrie A. Redlich, M.D., M.P.H.
Yale University School of Medicine
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Program
135 College St, 3rd floor
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 785-4197 for Appointments

Dr. Redlich is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine. Her research includes occupational lung disease, biomarker / molecular epidemiology environmental health research integrating clinical research with cellular and molecular approaches, clinical immunologic studies on the pathogenesis of isocyanate asthma, the protective role of retinoids/vitamin A in the lung, occupational liver disease, solvent-induced liver injury and clinical occupational medicine.

Frank C. Detterbeck, M.D.
Specialty: Thoracic Surgery
Yale Cancer Center
20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 688-5864

An evidence-based care method, which Frank Detterbeck, M.D., calls the center of his patient care practice, guides physicians to make clinical decisions after considering scientific facts and analyses. Detterbeck’s favored approach to treatment weighs research and analyses to provide patients with the most stable and promising treatments for their conditions.
By carefully considering the unique factors and implications of each patient’s case, he strives to individualize treatment and reduce the potential for mistakes.

Scott N. Gettinger M.D.
Specialty: Medical Oncology
Yale Cancer Center
20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 785-7564

When Scott Gettinger, M.D., was named to the staff at the Yale Cancer Center, he created a clear and ambitious goal for his practice.
Gettinger joined the staff as a board-certified medical oncologist at the Smilow Cancer Hospital, a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated comprehensive cancer center. Working within the thoracic oncology program, Gettinger treats a variety of cancers that originate in the thoracic cavity, such as chest wall tumors, lung cancer, mediastinal tumors, thymomas and malignant mesothelioma.

Roy H. Decker M.D.
Specialty: Therapeutic Radiology/Surgery
Yale Therapeutic Radiology
Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven
35 Park Street, Ste Lower Level
New Haven, CT 06511

As an assistant professor of therapeutic radiology for the Yale University School of Medicine, Roy H. Decker, M.D., played a key role in this rapidly improving field of treatment for both lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Decker, both a practitioner and professor, helped develop the stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) that is used routinely and effectively on many patients each year at Yale. The SBRT procedure delivers radiation in higher doses and in very precise areas, cutting down the length of treatments and the harmful side effects, while getting more successful, long-term results.

Michael Kashgarian M.D.
Specialty: Surgical Pathology
Yale Cancer Center
310 Cedar Street, Lauder Hall, Room LB20
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 785-2750

There is no substitute for experience. And Michael Kashgarian, M.D., dubbed a renaissance man for the magnitude and diversity of his work, is living proof of this.
Using more than 50 years to study diseases and cancers like mesothelioma, Kashgarian became one of the world’s most-respected research scientists. Now a professor emeritus of pathology as well as a senior research scientist, Kashgarian remains a part of the work he completed at Yale, serving as the pioneer that others are following.
Now retired, he is still certified by the Anatomic & Clinical Pathology Board and the Medicolegal Pathology, and he is considered an authority in diagnosing mesothelioma patients. This diagnosis helps determine the legal standing of patients fighting for financial compensation to cover disease expenses.
He also conducted research on mesothelioma, providing explanations to why treatments that were effective for some cancers did not seem to work for people with mesothelioma.
Kashgarian has published articles in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, Cytoskeleton, Immunity, the Journal of Immunology, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta and others.
Among the areas of his research were the pathologies of thoracic cancers, including mesothelioma. His pathology work helped the medical community find new surgery techniques, new ways to give radiation therapy and new drugs to use in combination with radiation therapy. The developments in all those areas were applied to a number of cancer treatments.
In addition to gathering research, Kashgarian led a group of doctors searching for records of the first use of intravenous chemotherapy for cancer, which occurred in 1942 at Yale School of Medicine. Finding this historical information helped to credit the original researchers who developed chemotherapy during preparations for chemical warfare.

Mesothelioma Resources

Mesothelioma is a rare and very serious form of cancer found in the lining surrounding the lungs, the stomach, the testes, or the heart. The primary cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.

It often takes 10 to 60 years after exposure to asbestos before the symptoms of mesothelioma develop. This period of time is referred to as a latency period. Because of the latency period, the disease commonly affects men and women that are at least 50 years of age and that worked with asbestos between 10 and 60 years ago.

Connecticut Mesothelioma Facts

Today, the use of asbestos and the handling of asbestos materials are regulated in the United States but its use is not banned. It is recognized as a hazardous material and is monitored by OSHA and the EPA but exposure risks still exist. The United States still consumes 30 million pounds of new asbestos per year. Additionally, many old homes, factories, schools, warehouses, and commercial buildings still contain old asbestos products.

The average incident rate of mesothelioma in the United States is 1 / 100,000 - the state of Connecticut is below the National average.

There are a number of different jobs that caused a larger amount of exposure to asbestos on a more frequent basis. Below you will find today's employment numbers for several of these high risk jobs in Connecticut:

Occupation 2008 Connecticut Employment
Construction 69,650
Mechanical Engineers 5,370
Electricians 7,740
Teachers & Instructors 5,370
Mechanics & Technicians 9,500


Connecticut Exposure Sites

Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.

Below is a partial list of Connecticut buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult a Connecticut mesothelioma attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.

American Brass Company
American Incinerator Corporation
Anaconda American Brass
Ansonia Brass & Copper Company
Coe Brass Company
Farrel Foundry & Machine Company
Farrell Birmingham Co.
Wallace and Sons

Avon Old Farms
Farmington Woods Condominiums
St. Ann's Church

Baltic Mills Company

Emhart Corporation
George & Prentise Company
Northeast Utilities

Bechtel Powerhouse
George H. Shepard & Son
Kanthal Corporation
Synco Resins
Vanderbilt Chemical Corp.
Whitfield Laboratories Inc.

Allen Manufacturing Co.
Connecticut General Life Insurance
Emhart Corporation
Kaman Corporation
Pedleton Fire Brick Co.

Charles Batchelder Company

Atlantic Wire Co.
Crown Bellis Corporation
First Congressional Church
Malleable Iron Fittings

A D C Contr. & Supply Corp.
Acme Shear Company
ADC Contracting & Supply
Algonquin Club
American Chain & Cable Company
American Fabrics Company
American Graphophone Company
American Tube & Stamping Company
Asbestos Distributors Corporation
Ashcroft Manufacturing Company
B Lipnick Supply
Bassic Company, Div./Stewart War
Beardlsey Terrace Housing Project
Beechmont Dairies
Best Welding Company
Bilton Machine Tool Company
Boiler Repair & Weld Inc.
Bridgeport Brass Company
Bridgeport City
Bridgeport Electric Light Company
Bridgeport Forge Company
Bridgeport Gas Light Company
Bridgeport Harbor Station Powerhouse
Bridgeport Hardware Manufacturing
Bridgeport Hospital
Bridgeport Metal Goods Manufacturing Co.
Bridgeport Pipe Engineering
Bridgeport Powerhouse
Bridgeport Projectile Company
Bridgeport Rolling Mills Company
Bridgesport Electric Light Co., Station B.
Bristol Hospital
Bryant Electric Company
Buckley Brothers
Bullard Company
Burnzol Incinerator
C.C. Fischer & Company
Carpenter Steel of New England
Carpenter Technology
Catholic High School for Girls
Central Police Headquarters
Citizens Gas Company
Columbia Recording Co.
Commercial Metal Heat Treating
Conn Railway Lighting Company
Connecticut Breweries Company
Connecticut Company
Connecticut Fire Brick Company
Connecticut Railway & Lighting Company
Consolidated Ashcroft Hancock Company
Consolidated Safety Valve Company
Crane Company
Crane Valve Company
Dictaphone Corp.
East Middle School
Eaton, Cole and Burnham
Ebasco Services
Fairchild and Shelton
Federal Court House Building
Federal Office Building, Lafayette St.
Fire Brick Construction Company, Inc.
General Electric Company
George C. Batcheller and Company
Griffin Hospital
Handy & Harman Tube Company
Harvey Hubel, Inc.
Heppenstall Company
Housing for Elderly
Hydro-Blast Corporation
Industrial Refractories Corp.
Isolation Hospital
Jenkins Brothers
Jewish Community Center
Lafayette Bank & Trust Company
Lewin and Sons, Inc.
Liberty Ordnance Company
Litchfield High School
Litchfield Junior High School
Locke Manufacturing
Manning, Maxwell & Moore
Masonic Temple
Michael Hoffman Fuel Co.
Mj Daly & Sons
Nancy Lynn Bakeries Inc.
New England Heating
Ny Nh & Hartford RR
Park City Hospital Inc.
Park City Supply Co.
Peerless Aluminum Foundry
Peoples Savings Bank, Main St.
Ponds Extract Co.
Post Publishing Company
Products Machine Company
Rann Hickman Associates
Raybestos Manhattan Inc.
Read School
Remington Arms Company
Remington Firearms
Remington Rand Shaver
Robert A. Keasbey Company
Roton Junior High School
Salts Textile Manufacturing Company
Sikorski Aircraft Co.
Singer Manufacturing Company
Singer Sewing Machine Factory
Stamford Hospital
Standard Fuel Co.
Stanley Works American Tube & Stamping Plant
Steel Point Powerhouse
Stratfield Motor Inn
Stratford Housing Job
U.S. Aluminum Co.
Underwood Commerce Properties
Underwood Corporation
Union Metallic Cartridge Company
Union Typewriter Company
United Electric Illuminating Company
United Gas Improvement Company
United Illuminating Company
University of Bridgeport
University Security
Valve Corporation of America
Warner Brothers Company
West End Plant
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.
Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Co.
Whiting Manufacturing Company
Wisvest Connecticut
Zandanella Construction Co.

Bristol Brass
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
General Motors Corporation
J.H. Sessions and Sons
Kennedy Apts.
New Departure Division, General Motors Corp.
New Departure Home
New Departure Manufacturing Company
New Departure-Hyatt Bearings Division
Surface Combustion Engine

Amac Corp.

Bestwall Gypsum Company

Case Brothers, Inc.

Central Village
Farnsworth Pinney Company
Wyandotte Worsted Mills, Inc.

Ball, Socket Manufacturing Company
Cheshire Reformatory
Consolidated Industries
S. & P. Plumbing & Heating

Middlesex Chemical Company
National Essential Oils Distilling Co.

Universal Wire

Board of Water Commissioners

Conn Bi-Products Corp.

Cos Cob
Mianus Manufacturing Company, Dye House
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railway Co.

A.N. Pierson Incorporated

C.H. Merritt and Son
Danbury & Bethel Gas & Electric Light Co.
Danbury Bethel Street Railway Company
Danbury Rubber Co.
Eagle Pencil Company
Fairfield Processing Corporation
Guardian Corp.
National Sintered Alloys Inc.
New Danbury High School
Newmont Exploration Company
Pitney Bowes
R. L. Dingee Enterprises
Snet Company
Teachers College - Holman Student Union Bldg.
Union Carbide
White St. Teachers College
Wooster School

Connecticut Light & Power - G.E. Exhaust Casting
Connecticut Light & Power Co.-Danielson Turbine Plant
Powdrell and Alexander, Inc.
Quinebaug Company
United States Rayon Corporation
Zadorn's Plumbing

Quinebaug Company

Darien High School
U. O. P.

Glass Containers Corporation
Goodyear Cotton Mills Company
Rogers Paper Manufacturing Company

Deep River
Pratt Bros & Co.

A.D.C. Supply Warehouse
B.F. Goodrich Company
Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company
Derby Coal & Oil Company
Derby Gas and Electric Company
Eveready Machinery Company
Farrell Machine Corporation
Housatonic Public Service Company
Sponge Rubber Products Co.

Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Devon Powerhouse
United Illuminating Company

East Bridgewater
Edison Electric Illuminating Company

East Canaan
Connecticut Chemical Company

East Granby
Roncari Industries Inc.

East Haddam
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power

East Hampton
Summit Thread Company

East Hartford
Acmat Corporation
Berlin Plant
Burnside Co.
Case Brothers, Inc.
East Hartford Housing Authority
East Hartford Incinerator
East Hartford Public Deliveries
Eastern Trucking Siding
Empire-Ace Insulation Manufacturing Co.
Gaffney School
General Dynamics
Homestead Insulation Co.
Homestead Insulation Warehouse
Homestead Stores
Magnetic D S D Co
Meadow Hill Housing Project
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp.
Owens-Corning Supply Corporation
Parts Inc.
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co.
Reed & Greenwood
Republic Steel Corp.
Sanitary Paper Mills
Savin Fuel Co.
Their Siding
Thermal - Uniroyal
United Aircraft
United Aircraft Research Labs
University Of Connecticut
Wesleyan University
Willgoos Laboratory

East Middleton
Pratt & Whitney Plant

East Norwalk
United Aircraft

East Windsor Hill
Kelsey Ferguson Brick Company

East Woodstock
Rogers Corporation

Duo Set Processing Company

State of Connecticut

Pratt, Read & Co., Inc.

Essex Station
Public Service Production Company

American Ecla Corporation
Board Of Education
Clark Metal Products, Inc.
E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company
Electric Storage Battery Company
F.W. Carroll
General Electric
Handy & Harman Tube Company
Rockwell Co. Ws
Rolock Inc.
United States Aluminum Co.

Falls Village
Housatonic Valley Ref.

American Research Corp.
Otis Elevator
University of Connecticut

The Sessions Clock Co.
Wallace Barnes Company

Fort Point
Norwich State Hospital

Gales Ferry
Dow Chemical Company

Glastonbury Dyeing & Finishing
J.B. Williams Company

Glenbrook Laboratory
Peabody Engineering Corp.

American Felt Company

Arwood Premium Casting

Edward Mazurak Plumbing & Heating

American Can Company - Corporate Headquarters
American Machine & Foundry Co.
Connecticut Iron Works
Connecticut Railway & Lighting Company
Consolidated Diesel Electric Company
Eight Glen Court Corporation
Ely School
Homelite Factory
Indian Harbor House
Moran Towing & Transportation
Town Of Greenwich - Department of Public Works
United Gas Improvement Company
US Tobacco Company

Arwood Precision Casting
Charles Pfizer & Company
Electric Boat [Ship]
Electric Boat Shipyard
Fbm Squadron Admin Building
General Dynamic Electric Boat Co.
General Dynamics Shipyard
Groton Iron Works
Hess Oil & Chemical Corp.
Naval Submarine Base
New London Box Company
Pfizer Chemical
Pfizer Incorporated
Thames Insulation Co.
U. S. Naval Sub Base
U. S. Navy Sub Base, Pier #9
U.S. Coast Guard Training Station
United States Coast Guard Station
W J Barney Grop Charles Pfizer Co.

New Diesel Generator Plant - Connecticut Yankee

Haddam Neck
Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co.

Kramer Iron Works
Plasticrete Brick Co.

A. & B. Boiler Repair
Acands, Inc.
Aetna Life Insurance Company
Allen Manufacturing Company
Armstrong Contracting & Supply Corporation
Arrow Electric Company
Arrow-Hart & Hegeman Electric Company
Baker, Smith & Company
Billings and Spencer Company
Bond Hotels
Bryant & Chapman, and R.G. Miller & Sons
Bushnell Plaza
Capewell Manufacturing Company
Capital Ventilating Company
Carpenter Steel Company
Cereal Products Company
City Hall
Colt Industries
Colts Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Co.
Columbia Brewing Company
Connecticut Bank & Trust Co. - Constitution Plaza
Connecticut Company
Connecticut Fire Brick Company
Connecticut Light & Power Company
Connecticut Natural Gas
Consolidated Railway Corporation
Constitution Plaza
Duth Ft Rousing Project
Federal Office Building
Fred Wish Elementary School
Fuller Brush Company
G. Fox and Company, Inc.
G. Fox Power Plant
G.F. Heublein & Brothers, Inc.
Gam-Beck Building
Hamilton Standard - Boiler House
Hartford Cement Company & Building Supply
Hartford City Club
Hartford Electric Light Company
Hartford Gas Company
Hartford Historical Society
Hartford Hospital
Hartford Insurance Company
Hartford Light and Power Company
Hartford Middle School
Hartford National Bank
Hartford Public High School
Hartford Steam Boiler
Hartford Steam Co. - Hartford Gas Co.
Heublein, Incorporated
High Rise Elderly Housing
Homestead Insulation Co.
Hotel America - Constitution Plaza
James L. Howard and Company
Kelsey Ferguson Brick Plant
Labor Dept. Bldg. - Wethersfield Co. - Limbach Co.
Leppert Nutmeg, Inc.
Lewis Batchelder School
Limback Co.
M. A. Feinberg
Marden & Wasserman, Inc.
Maxim Silencer
Meublein Inc.
Morgan Street Public Siding
Mt. Sinai Hospital
National Fire Insurance Company
Naugatuck Chemical
Naylor School
Neron Insulation
New Canoan High School
New England Alloy Casting Corp.
Northeast Utilities
Northwest Catholic High School
NY NH & Hartford RR
Parkville Siding
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Co.
Reed & Greenwood
Republic Steel Corporation
Resource Recovery Systems
Riggs Distler/G. Fox Company
Rockwell Stanley P Co.
Sanitary Laundry Co.
Sanitary Paper Mill
Sheldon Station
South Catholic High School
South Meadow Station
Southern New England Telephone Co.
St. Francis Hospital
St. George's Greek
Standard Screw Co.
The Homestead Insulation Co.
Tracy Robinson & Williams Co.
Travelers Insurance Company
Trinity College
Underwood Elliott Fisher Company
Underwood Typewriter Plant
Union Drawn Steel Company
United Technologies
University Of Connecticut
University Of Hartford, various buildings
William R. Cotter Federal Office Building
Windsor Street Public Siding

Berlington-Harwinton School

Somersville Manufacturing Company

Jewell Belting Company

Connecticut Light & Power Co

Jewett City
Ashland Corporation
Ashland Division of United Merchants & Manufacturers
Aspinook Corporation
General Dynamics Corp.
General Dynamics Corp. Electric Boat
The Aspinock Company

Goodyear Cotton Mills

Hotchkiss School

Lime Rock
Barnum Richardson Company

M.V. Moraghan

Bon Ami Company
Cheney Brothers Inc.
Manchester Hospital
Orford Soap Company
Popular Market
Southern New England Telephone Co

Mansfield State Hospital
Mansfield Training Center

Uncas Printing and Finishing Company

C.N. Flagg & Company
Connecticut Breweries Company
Cummings Insulation Company
Cuno Engineering
G. Fox & Company
G.R. Cummings Company
General Electric Company
International Silver Company
J. M Delaney Co.
Meriden Gas Light Company
Meriden Moulded Plastic
Mills Memorial Apartments
Modern Plumbing & Heating
Read & Greenwood
Wolfs New Process Abrasive Wheel Co.


Bechtel Corporation
C.M. Flagg
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Connecticut Nuclear Laboratory
Connecticut Power Company
Connecticut Valley Hospital
Goodyear Rubber Company
Hartford Electric Co. - Middletown Station
Hartford Electric Light & Power
Hartford Electric Light Co.
Hartford Research Center
L.D. Brown and Son Company
Marino Plumbing & Heating
Middlesex Hospital, Phase III
Middletown Electric Light Company
Middletown Powerhouse
Middletown Station
Nrg Energy Incorporated
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Remington Noiseless Typewriter Co.
Russell Manufacturing Co.
State Hospital
Wesleyan Science Building
Wesleyan University
Wilcox Crittonden Div.

Gas Equipment Engineering
Milford Steam Power & Building Company
Raybestos Manhattan
Robertshaw Controls Co.
Shick Safety Razor

Connecticut Power & Light

Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Eastern Connecticut Power Company
Inland Paper Board Div. Federal Paper Board Co.
Montville Power Station
Palmer Brothers Company
Robert Gair Company
Robertson Paper Box Company
Thames River Specialties Company

American Woolen Company, Inc.
Brunswick Worsted Mills, Inc.
Milner and Company

General Dynamics Corp Electric Boat
Groton & Stonington Street Railway Company

Mystic River
Standard Machinery Company

Alloy Boundaries
Naugatuck Chemical Co.
Uniroyal, Inc.
United States Rubber Company
Goodyear India Rubber Glove Manufacturing Co.
Goodyear Metalic Rubber Shoe Co.
Naugatuck Chemical
Rubber Regenerating Co.

New Bedford
St. Luke's Hospital Power plant
  New Britain
B.C. Goodwin Tech
Central Connecticut State University
Central State Teachers College
Connecticut Metal and Chemical Company
Cremo Brewing Company
Curtis St. Boiler Room
Fafnir Bearing Company
General Electric Company
Housing Authority
Kolpak, Inc.
Landers, Frary and Clark
Metallurgical Processing
New Britain General Hospital
New Britain Incinerator
New Britain Machine Company
New Britain Trust Co. Building
North and Judd Manufacturing Company
Stanley Rule & Level Company
Stanley Tool Works
Stanley Works
Union Manufacturing Company
Vulcan Iron Works
Westinghouse Electric Company

New Canaan
City Of New Canaan
New Canaan Sheetmetal

New Haven
A.C. Gilbert
A.J. Mongillo Inc.
Acme Wire Co.
Aluminum Smelters, Inc.
American Cyanamid
American Felt Co.
Arena Centerfreeze Company
B. Shoninger Company
Berkshire Ice Company
Bigelow Boilers
Bigelow Co.
Buckingham Routh
Bushnell and Morehouse
C.W. Blakeslee and Sons
Charles A. Wimpfheimier and Brothers
Conn. Resource Recovery Authority Transfer Station
Connecticut Coke Company
Connecticut Company
Consolidated Railway Corporation
Elm City Oil Company
English Station
English Station Powerhouse
First National Bank
G.L. Gray Sheetmetal Works
General Dynamics Corp. Electric Boat
Grace New Haven Hospital
Grand Avenue Station
Greist Manufacturing Company
Housing Authority
Ideal Plumbing & Heating
Illuminating Company
Interstate Container Corporation
James V. Ursini Company
Kline Geology Lab
Linde Air Products Co. (Union Carbide & Carbon Corp.)
M. Seward and Sons Company
Majestic Laundry
Maxim Munitions Corporation
Merritt W. Burwell
National Folding Box & Paper Company
National Gypsum Co.
National Plumbing & Heating
New Haven
New Haven Coliseum
New Haven East Shore Sewage Plant
New Haven Electric Company
New Haven Gas Light Company
New Haven Hotel
New Haven Iron and Steel Company
New Haven Power Plant
New Haven Pulp & Board Company
New Haven Rolling Mill Company
New Haven Silk Mills
New Havens Hotel Company
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co.
Nonpareil Laundry Company
Olin Mathieson Chemical Co.
Peck Brothers and Company
Phillip Sporn
Plasticrete Corp.
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Quinnipiac Energy LLC
Rose St Power House
S N B Telephone Co.
Seamless Rubber Co.
Semon Ice Cream Company
Snet Company
Southern Connecticut State College, Auditorium
Southern New England Telephone
Sperry Engineering Company
Star Supply Co.
Sterling School of Medicine
Taft Hotel
The Hoyt Grant Company
Tomlinson Asbestos Co.
United Electric Illuminating Company
United Illuminating Company
United States Steel Corp.
Upjohn Co.
US Government General Hospital #16
Walken Company
Weibel Brewing Company
William Bresdan
Winchester Firearms
Winchester Repeating Arms Company
Wolff & Munier Inc.
Yale Art & Architecture Building
Yale High Intensity Proton Linear Accelerator
Yale Medical School - Rose St Power House
Yale New Haven Hospital
Yale Tire and Rubber Company
Yale University, various buildings

New London
Babcock Printing Press Manufacturing Co.
Brown Cotton Gin Company
Bureau of Yards and Docks
C.D. Boss and Son
Connecticut College
Connecticut Power Company
Eastern Ship Building Company
Engineering Laboratory Itasca, US Coast Guard Academy
General Electric Company
Groton & Stonington Street Railway Company
Lawrence & Memorial Hospital
Mohigan Hotel
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
New England Engineering Company
New London Brewing Company
New London Gas and Electric Company
New London St Railway Company
New London Submarine Base
Oneco Manufacturing Company
R.T. Palmer Company
Thames Shipyard
U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Billiard Hall
U.S. N Underwater Sound Lab
U.S. Submarine Base
Undersea Warfare & Research Lab
United States Coast Guard Academy
United States Naval Shipyard, Submarine Base
Whiton Machine
Winthrop Ice Company

New Milford
Board Of Education
Connecticut Power & Light Co.
Conweb Manufacturing Shop
Jack W. Straub, Inc.
Kimberly Clark Corporation
Nestle Company, Inc.
New Milford Foundry & Machine
Scovill Manufacturing Co.

Cripple Children’s Hospital
New Newington Children’s Hospital
Newington Hospital

Newsbarn Electric Company

Board Of Education
Chas. Batchelor Co.

Fairfield State Hospital
Newtown High School

Suburban Propane

North Haven
Atlantic Steel
Burndy Corporation
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Sound Scrieer Sales Corp.
Upjohn Chemical

North Stonington
Connecticut Silica Company
Ottawa Silica Co.

North Westchester
C.H. Norton & Son, Inc.

Alvin Sayre
Board Of Education
Connecticut Light & Power Co - Manrese Island - Norwalk Harbor Station
De Fonce Construction Company
King Organic Chemicals, Inc.
Nelson Fabricating Co.
New England Engineering Co.
Norden Systems
Norwalk and South Norwalk Electric Light Co.
Norwalk City Of
Norwalk General Hospital
Norwalk Powdered Metals Inc.
Norwalk Powerhouse
Post Secondary Tech
US Navy - Norwalk Fuel Distribution Station

City Of Norwich Gas and Electric
Falls Company
General Motors
Hall Brothers
J.B. Martin Company
King Seeley Thermos
Norwich City Of
Norwich Gas and Electric Company
Norwich Hospital
Norwich Lock Manufacturing Company
Norwich State Hospital
Shore Line Electric Railway Company
Snet Company
U.S. Finishing Company

Oakville Company
Scovill Manufacturing Company

Old Greenwich
Electrolux Corporation

Old Saybrook
Old Saybrook Elementary School
Old Saybrook New Elementary School
Perramar Hotel

Insulation Supply Company
Miles Lab Job

Thermal - Uniroyal
Uniroyal, Inc.

Chavers Fonhand

Conn Investment Lasting
Pawcatuck Water Pollution

Lawton Mills Corporation
National Manufacturing Corporation
National Plainfield Corporation
Plainfield Mills Corporation
Plastic Film Corporation
Royalmetal Corporation

General Electric Company
Plainville Elementary School
Plainvillle Casting Co.

H.D. Smith & Company
Morganti, Inc.
Rex Forge Co.
Southington Galvanizing

American Optical
Putnam-Herzl Finishing Company, Inc.

Board Of Education
St. Mary's School

Amerbelle Corp.
Hockanum Mills Company
James J. Regan Manufacturing Company
Rockville and Ellington Street Railway Co.
Rockville Worsted Company
Springville Manufacturing Company
Warren Gottier Plumbing
White Manufacturing Company
Wooden Goods

Rocky Hill
American Enka Corporation
Hartford Rayon Corporation

Rogers Corporation
Rogers Corporation - Research & Development Building

Peck Stow and Wilcox Company

Kerite Company
Kerite Insulated Wire and Cable Company
S.Y. Beach Paper Company
Seymour High School
Seymour Manufacturing Co.

Shady Side
Barreet Manufacturing Company

Sharon Center School

B.F. Goodrich Company
C.C.K. Incorporated
Connecticut Light & Power Company
Derby Gas & Electric Company
Goodrich Sponge Rubber Company
New Latex Plant
S.O. and C. Company
Sidney Blumenthal Co.
South River Spinning Co.
United Shoe Machinery

Somerville Manufacturing Company

South Glastonbury
Glastonbury Toiletries

South Manchester
Cheney Brothers

South Norfolk
Bridgeport Brass Company

South Norwalk
Connecticut Light & Power Co - Norwalk Harbor Station
Connecticut Light & Power Co.
Consolidated Railway Corporation
General Aircraft Equipment Group
Nash Engineering Company
Otto Barthol Company
Plastic Products, Inc.
Scope Precision Casting
United Gas Improvement Company

South Willington
Gardiner Hall Jr. Co.

South Windsor
John Filloramo  Construction Company
Nuway Tobacco Co.
South Windsor City Of
Windsor Clay Products Inc.

Connecticut State Training School

Diamond Match Company

A.L. Mcgloin Drywall
Peck Stow & Wilcox Co.

Jelliff Corp.

Howe Sound Company, Copper & Brass Plant
Richlee Acoustics & Fireproof
Stamford Insulation Company
Stamford Rolling Mills Company

Swift River Woolen Co.

Stafford Springs
School District #2
Warren Woolen Company

American Cyanamid Company
American Incinerator Corporation
Atlas Powder Co. (aka Atlas Chemical; Ici Americas, Inc.)
Blickensderfer Manufacturing Company
Board Of Education
Bridgestone Firestone
Caldor Department Store
Combustion Equipment Associates
Connecticut Power & Light
Connecticut Power Company
Crawford & Russell
Crown Construction
Dorr-Oliver Incorporated
Hatch & Billey Lumber
High Ridge Park
Luders Marine Construction
Moore Mccormack Lines, Inc.
Municipal Incinerators
Olin Mathieson Corporation
Oliver Inc.
Peabody Engineering - Glenbrook Station
Peabody Engineering Corp.
Petroleum Heat & Power Company
Richards & Company
St. Jude Hospital
Stamford Gas and Electric Company
Stamford Generating Station
Stamford High School
Stamford Hospital
Stamford Railroad Station
State National Bank
Stollwerck Brothers
Teleregister Corporation
Woodside Junior High School

Steel Point
Steel Point Powerhouse

Sterling Dyeing & Finishing Company
Sterling Improvement Company
United States Finishing Company

University Of Connecticut

Sikousky Aircraft Bridgeport
A. Bedell Benjamin
Avco Corporation
Avco Lyconing
Avco Manufacturing
Charles A. Lampard Company
Contract Plating Company, Inc.
Dressler Valve and Instrument Division
L.R. Metal Treating
Manning, Maxwell and Moore, Inc.
Patterson Steel & Forge Co.
Raybestos Manhattan Company, Inc.
Raymark Industries
Remington Firearms
Savoy Laundry Inc.
Sikorsky Aircraft
Tilo Roofing Company
Town Of Stratford - Water Pollution Control Facility

Suffield Academy

Ponemah Mills

Clayton Manufacturing Company
Insulation Distributor, Inc.

Plume & Atwood Brass & Co.
Seth Thomas Clock Company

Bigelow-Hartford Carpet Company
Bigelow-Lanford Company
Connecticut Light & Power Co. - Thompsonville Turbine Plant
Hartford Carpet Corporation

Burrows Corp.

American Brass Company
Belfast Mesh Underwear Company
Excelsior Needle Company
Fitzgerald Manufacturing Company
Hendey Machine Company
New Research Building
TA Walker Incorporated
The Fitzgerald Gasket Corp.
Torrington Company
Torrington Library
Torrington Manufacturing Company
Turner & Seymour Manufacturing Co.
Union Hardware Div.-Brunswick

Connecticut Light & Power Co - Montville Station

Union City
Nougatuck Malleable Iron Company

Union Electric Light Company

Town Of Vernon - Sewage Treatment Plant

Bay Company
Federal Paper Board Company, Inc.
Inland Paper Board Division of Federal Board Co.
International Paper
Inverform #1

Turner & Seymour Manufacturing Company

Wallingford Steel
American Cyanamid Company
City Of Wallingford Power Plant
Delvecchia & Sons
Glass Industries Company
International Silver Company
Pierce Generating Station
R. Wallace and Sons Manufacturing Company
Wallingford Junior High School
Wallingford Manufacturing Company
Wallingford Steel Co.

Warehouse Point
Hartford & Springfield Street Railway Company
National Railway Construction Company

Benedict and Burnham Manufacturing Company
Housatonic Power Company
Lilly Swift and Company
New England Engineering Company
New Haven Trap Rock Co.
Randolph Clowes Company
Scovill Manufacturing Company

American Brass Company
American Cyanamid
Benedict and Burnham Manufacturing Company
Berkliff Corporation
Chase Brass & Copper Company
Chase Rolling Mill Company
Christ Church, Senior Citizens Housing
Conn & Rhode Island Lines, Inc.
Connecticut Light & Power
Connecticut Railway and Lighting Company
Elton Hotel
General Insulation Distributor
Holmes, Booth & Haydens
Housatonic Power Company
Kennecott Copper Company
M.J. Daly & Sons Incorporated
Marn Plumbing & Heating
Naugatuck Chemical
New England Engineering Company
Randolph Clowes Company
Scovill Manufacturing Company
Somers Brass
Waterbury Brass
Waterbury Clock Company
Waterbury Gas Light Co.
Waterbury Hospital

Millstone Nuclear Power Plant
Northeast Nuclear Energy Company
Northeast Utilities Service Company

Princeton, Inc.
Taft School
Taft School Boilerhouse

Chase Brass & Copper Company
Chase Metal Works
Chase Brass & Copper

American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp.
American Standard

Armstrong Contracting & Supply

West Cheshire
Consolidated Industries

West Hartford
Church of St. Helena
Insulation Company
New England Matchplate Co.
Sisters of St. Joseph
Standard Fire Brick Co.
University Of Hartford, various buildings

West Haven
F.M.R. Corporation
Fuller Merriam Company
Miles Laboratories, Inc.
Miles, Incorporated
Thermal Acoustics, Inc.
Weble Brewing Company
West Haven City Of

Westfield State Sanitarium

Connecticut Humane Society
Dorr-Oliver, Inc.
Stauffer Chemical Co.
Westport Sanitarium

Acands, Inc.
Armstrong Construction & Supply
Armstrong Contracting & Supply
Carlin Company
Connecticut Light & Power
Hess Oil Company
Howard Johnson Restaurant
Labor Department Building
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Snet Company

American Enka Corporation
American Thread Company
Max Stein
State Teachers College
Temple B'Nai Israel
Willimantic Gas & Electric Company
Willimantic Linen Company
Windham Manufacturing Company

Winchester Center
Capitol Products Co.
New England Matchplate Co.

C.H. Dexter & Sons, Inc.
Combustion Engineering, Inc.
Kaman Aerospace Corp
Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
Naval Reactors Division
Potlatch Forest
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Taylor & Fenn Co.
Terry Steam Turbine Co.
Windsor High School
Windsor Junior High School
Westinghouse Electric Company

Windsor Hill
Kelsey Ferguson Brick Company
Kelsey Ferguson Company

Windsor Locks
American Airlines
C.H. Dexter and Sons, Inc.
Dexter Corporation
Dexter Paper
Hamilton Standard Division
Hamilton Standard Propeller
Hanson Whitney Company
Homestead Insulation Co.
United Aircraft Corporation
Windsor Paper Company

Keratene Company, Inc.
Riverton Paper Company

Amity Regional High School

N.T. Adams

Yantic Woolen Mills Incorporated

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