Los Angeles, also known as L.A., is the most populous city in the state of California and the 2nd most populous city in the United States behind New York City. The city was founded by a Spanish governor and later became a part of Mexico. Los Angeles, along with the rest of California, was then purchased by the United States after the Mexican-American War. During World War II the city became an industrial center, producing airplanes and war supplies, motor vehicles, clothing and more. With this industrial boom, the construction industry also took off as the city grew rapidly.
Today, Los Angeles has a diverse economy that includes business, entertainment, culture, fashion, science, technology, and education among others. As the home of Hollywood the city is a leader in the production of music, television, video games, and motion pictures. International trade also plays a large role in L.A. as the Port of Los Angeles, combined with Long Beach, makes up the Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor - one of the busiest container ports in the United States.
The maritime, construction and industrial history of Los Angeles unfortunately includes many occupations where asbestos products were widely used throughout the 20th century. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in California about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Los Angeles
Our Los Angeles, CA mesothelioma attorneys are focused solely on mesothelioma allowing us to navigate the unique legal aspects of these cases and maximize each client's recovery while being sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering. Each state has its own mesothelioma laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.
Los Angeles Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
There are a number of cancer centers and doctors in Los Angeles that treat mesothelioma. The following are a list of some of the cancer centers that specialize in treatment for mesothelioma. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.

University of California Los Angeles Medical Center
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Care Center
200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite 120
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Los Angeles Mesothelioma Physicians
Robert Cameron, M.D.
Specialty: Cardiothoracic Surgery and Surgical Oncology
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
757 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Dr. Robert B. Cameron has been treating mesothelioma patients for over 20 years. He is recognized world-wide as a pioneer in the field of mesothelioma and long-time advocate of the innovative lung-sparing Pleurectomy/Decortication (P/D) surgical procedure for mesothelioma and has performed the procedure on hundreds of patients to date. Dr. Cameron has one philosophy to the P/D surgery, “Do no harm” to the lung.
Robert Cameron, M.D., has some strong opinions about the different treatment/surgery options for patients with pleural mesothelioma. And he doesn’t hesitate to express them.
Dr. Cameron, the director of Thoracic Surgery at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and medical adviser for the Pacific Meso Center, continues to lobby his colleagues against the practice of extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP), the radical removal of the lung as a surgical option. He almost always prefers the lung-saving pleurectomy/decortication, a less radical surgery that removes the tumor, then treats mesothelioma as a chronic illness.
Jay Lee, M.D.
UCLA Comprehensive Mesothelioma Program
Cardiothoracic Surgeon
200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite B265
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 794-7333
Since acquiring his medical degree in 1997, Jay M. Lee, M.D., has distinguished himself as one of the nation’s top thoracic surgeons. He is the Surgical Director of the Thoracic Oncology Program at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC), where he both practices medicine and teaches as an assistant professor at the UCLA School of Medicine.
After graduating from UCLA School of Medicine with honors, Lee pursued his residency at Duke University Medical Center and Georgetown University Medical Center. After, he completed fellowships at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Brigham & Women’s Hospital, both world renowned centers for the treatment of mesothelioma and lung cancer. The experience he gained from working with other top doctors in the field of thoracic surgery became invaluable to his own practice.
Olga M. Olevsky, MD
UCLA Comprehensive Mesothelioma Program
Medical Oncologist
Board Certifications: Hematology, American Board of Internal Medicine, 2006, 2017 & Medical Oncology, American Board of Internal Medicine, 2004, 2017
Fellowship: Hematology/Oncology, Harbor - UCLA Medical Center, 2001-2004
Residency: Internal Medicine, Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, 1995-1998
Internship: Internal Medicine, Abbott-Northwestern Hospital, 1994-1995
Degree: University of Minnesota Medical School, MD, 1994
Primary Office
Cancer Care
2020 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 230
Santa Monica, California 90404
Secondary Office
Cancer Care - Torrance
3445 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 300
Torrance, California 90505
Jane Yanagawa, M.D.
Thoracic Surgeon
Medical Board Certifications: Surgery, American Board of Surgery, 2012 & Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery, American Board of Thoracic Surgery, 2014
Fellowship: Research, UCLA School of Medicine, 2007-2009 & Thoracic Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 2011-2013
Residency: Surgery, UCSD Medical Center, 2005-2007 & Surgery, UCSD Medical Center, 2009-2011
Internship: Surgery, UCSD Medical Center, 2004-2005
Degree: Baylor College of Medicine, MD, 200
200 UCLA Medical Plaza, Suite B265
Los Angeles, CA 90095
(310) 794-7333
Heather Wakelee M.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Medical Oncology
Stanford Cancer Institute
875 Blake Wilbur Dr., Rm 2233
Stanford, CA 94305
(650) 36-7221
Dr. Heather Wakelee specializes in the treatment of lung cancer, thymoma and mesothelioma. She has been in practice for over a decade at Stanford University. She is the physician lead for the thoracic malignancies clinical research group and has developed research programs related to lung cancer and thymoma across multiple areas including clinical trials, translation work and population sciences. She is the Principal Investigator on numerous clinical trials. Dr. Wakelee is the faculty director of the Stanford Cancer Clinical Trials office and is the lead investigator for ECOG-ACRIN clinical trials group at Stanford. She is also active in many national and international organizations related to lung cancer and thymoma including leadership roles in the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and the International Thymic Malignancies Interest Group (ITMIG).
Los Angeles Asbestos Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in Los Angeles, CA. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult an attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
- A.C. & S. Inc.
- A.P. Green Refractories Co.
- A.P. McGuinners
- A.P.G. Refractories, Inc.
- A-1 Novelty Co.
- Abiel Foster- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Abraham Clark - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Air Reduction Pacific Co.
- Alamo Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Alan Seeger- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Albert Gallatin- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Albert J Berres- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Albert P Ryder- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Albino Perez- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Alcoa (f/k/a Reynolds Metal)
- Alexander Hotel Co.
- Alhambra Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Aliso Street Gas Works
- Allendale- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Allied Eng. Co.
- Aluminum Company of America
- Amalgamated Oil Co.
- Amarillo Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Amatex Corp.
- Amer Chemical
- American Appliance Co.
- American Bridge Division
- American Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Amherst Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Amtrak
- Anadarko Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Anchor Hocking Glass Corp.
- Andrew Rowan- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Andrew T Huntington- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Angelus Floor Covering
- Angelus Hospital
- Angelus Steel Treating
- Anheuser Busch, Inc.
- Anson P K Saffor - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Arcadia Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Archer Daniels Midland Co.
- Arco Plaza
- Arco Towers
- Arenac - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Arlington/Marvin H Mcintyre - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Armstrong Contracting & Supply
- Armstrong Cork Co.
- Arthur P Davis - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Ashland Chemical Co.
- Atchison Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Atlantic Richfield
- Attala
- Augustus H Garland - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Aviation High School
- Aynes Steam Plant
- B.F. Goodrich Co.
- Badger Co.
- Baker Commodities
- Baker Iron Works
- Balboa Brewing Co.
- Balboa Water Treatment Plant
- Bandera - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bank of America Building
- Banneker School
- Banning Co.
- Barnwell - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Barlesville Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Baylor Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Beaver Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bechtel Corp.
- Beckham - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bell School
- Belmont High School
- Belridge Oil Co.
- Ben B Lindsey - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Benjamin D Wilson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Benjamin D Franklin - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Benjamin Goodhue - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Berg metals Co.
- Bessemer Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bethlehem Steel Shipyard
- Beverly Hillcrest
- Beverly Hills Hotel
- Bilicke Rowan Fireproof Building Co.
- Billy Mitchell - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Billy Sunday - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Biltmore Hotel
- Bimini Hot Springs
- Bishop & Co.
- Black Angus
- Bland - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bloomington Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Board of Education
- Bosque - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Botetourt - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bowie - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bowling Green Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bradbury Building
- Brand Whitlock - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Braxton - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Bray Chem Co.
- Brazil Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Brinkman Steel and Supply Co.
- Broadwater - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Brookings - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Buckingham - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Burdett Oxygen Co.
- Burlington Northern- Santa Fe
- C F Braun
- Cal Tech
- Caleb Strong - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- California Carbonic Co.
- California Clay Manufacturing Co.
- California Container Corp.
- California Drop Forge
- California Fruit Canners Association
- California Industrial Co.
- California Mart
- California Roto
- California Sanitary Canning Co.
- California State College
- California State University
- California Stucco
- California Technical Institute
- Calmo Engineering Co.
- Calvin Victory
- Canadian Bank Building
- Carl R Gray
- Carlton Ellis
- Carnation Co.
- Carrier Corp.
- Carroll Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Carson High School
- CBS Building
- Cedar Rapids Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Cedar Sinai Medical Center
- Cedars of Lebanon Hospital
- Central Plants Inc.
- Century City Service Center
- Century Plaza Hotel
- Century Plaza Office Towers
- Chanute Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles A Warfield - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles Crocker - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles D Poston - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles Fort - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles H Windham - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles Lummis - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charles T Yerkes - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Charlotte P Gilman - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Chevrolet Division of General Motors Co.
- Chickering Hall
- Children's Hospital
- China Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Christopher L Sholes - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Cinclare Central Factory
- Citibank Building
- City Hall Annex
- City Linen Service
- City of Los Angeles Harbor Steam Plant
- City of Los Angeles Sludge Plant
- City of Los Angeles Water Works
- Civic Center
- Clara Consolidated Gold and Copper Mining Co.
- Clarence Darrow - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Clarksdale Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Clearfield - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Clermont - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Cliftons Cafeteria
- Clinton - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Clovis Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Coalinga School
- Coast Insulating Products
- Cocos Restaurant
- Cody Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Colbert - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Colby Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- College of Medical Evangelists
- Collier Carbon & Chemical
- Collingsworth - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Collins and Webb
- Colombia Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Color America
- Columbia Pictures Studios
- Conservative Life Insurance Co. Building
- Conservative Water Co.
- Consolidated Steel Corp., Ltd.
- Consolidated Steel Corp.
- Container Division, International Paper Co.
- Continental Can Co.
- Continental Company Building
- Continental Oil Co.
- Convention Center Building
- Cooper Union Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Cornelius Cole - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Cornell Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Cosco Fire Protection
- Courthouse Jail
- Crescent Creamery Co.
- Criminal Courts Building
- Crown Zellerbach Corp.
- Cudahy Packing Co.
- Cyrus K Holliday - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- D W Harrington - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- D&D Disposal
- Dalton Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Dandd Disposal
- Daniel Boone - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Dave Chasen's Restaurant
- David E Hughes - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- David R Francis - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- David Rittenhouse - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Department of Water and Power
- Deseret Industries
- Dickinson Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Dixon Chemical
- Dominguez Water Corp.
- Don Marquis - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Douglas Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Dow Chemical Co.
- Dow Styrene Project LA
- Durham Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Dwight B Heard - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Dyemasters, Inc.
- E.B. Wiggins Oil Tool
- E.D. Hough
- E.K. Wood Lumber Co.
- E.P. Clark Building
- Eakins Co Les
- Edington Oil
- Edison Electric Co.
- Edison High School
- Edison Ice Co.
- Edward Paine - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Edward W Scripps - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Edwards AFB
- Edwin Abbey - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Edwin Joseph O'Hara - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Edwin Markham - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Egbert Benson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- El Camino Real School
- El Segundo Steam Plant
- El Torito
- Elbridge Gerry - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Emco Derrick & Equipment Co.
- Emery Industries, Inc.
- Emsco Press Forging Co.
- Equitable Life Building
- Eugene B Daskam - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Eugene Murray
- Excelsior Laundry Co.
- F A C Muhlenberg - California Shipbuilding Corp. [Ship]
- Fabrication Shop
- Fairfax School
- Farmer John's
- Fenco
- Fern Avenue School
- Fibreboard Corp.
- Fibreglass Engineering
- Fibreglass Engineering & Supply
- Filtrol Chemical
- Finley Peter Dunne - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
- First Federal Building
- Flagstaff Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Flintkote Co.
- Florence Crittenton- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Flour Corp.
- Ford Motor Co.
- Francis Drank - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Frank & Enderle Co.
- Frank Springer- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Frank Wiggins - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Franklin H King - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Franklin K Lane- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- G.T.E.
- Gafflers & Sattlers
- Gainesville Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Gardena School
- Garfield High School
- Gas Plant
- Gay Engineering Corp.
- General Cable Corp.
- General Petroleum Co.
- General Hospital
- General Shops
- General Vallejo - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- George Bancroft - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- George Gershwin - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- George Kenny - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- George Matthews - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- George Thacher - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Getty Building
- Gilmore Oil Co.
- Giroux Consolidated Mines Co.
- Gloler Grain and Milling Co.
- Good Samaritan Hospital
- Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
- Gore Brothers Restaurant
- Gotham Industries
- Grange Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Granville Stuart - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Greece Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Greenville Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Griffith Co.
- Griffith Observatory
- Group #808 Schools
- Group #813 School
- Gutzon Borglum - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Gypsum Co.
- H. Jevne Co.
- H. Krasne & Co.
- H.I. Thompson Fiberglass
- Hall of Records
- Hammel Street School
- Harris Steel Fence Co.
- Hart Crane - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Harvey W Wiley - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Haskell - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hattiesburg Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Haynes Steam Generating Plant
- Health & Welfare Building
- Health Administration Building
- Hebrew Union College
- Hellman Building
- Hendry - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Henry C Wallace - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Henry Knox - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Henry M Robinson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Henry Miller - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Higgins Building
- Highlands - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hilton Hotel
- Hinsdale - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hinton R Helper - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hoagland - Lakin Electric & Engineering Co.
- Hocking - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hoffman Medical Center
- Holly Sugar Co.
- Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital
- Home Ice and Cold Storage Co.
- Hoover School
- Horace See - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hospital of the Good Samaritan
- Hospital Supply Company of California
- Howard T Ricketts - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Hoxie and Goodloe
- Hughes Aircraft
- Hunt Engineerign Co.
- Hunts Hotel
- Hydril Inter American
- Hyland-Stanford Co.
- IBM Building
- Ignace Paderewski - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Ina Coolbrith - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Insulation Inc.
- Intermountain Power Agency
- International Airport
- International Paper Co.
- International Shoe
- Industrial Building Materials
- Isaac Coles - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- J.E. Coberly, Inc.
- J.B. Banning Co.
- J.F. Connell
- J.T. Thorpe - Insulation
- Jacob Riis - California Shipbuilding Corp.[SHIP]
- Jacob S Mansfield - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Jacques DuBois Gift Shop
- James Cook - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- James For Rhodes - California Shipbuilding Corp.[SHIP]
- James H Mcclintock - California Shipbuilding Corp.[SHIP]
- James H Robinson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- James Monroe - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- James Schureman - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- James Shields - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- James W Johnson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Jedediah S Smith - California Shipbuilding Corp.[SHIP]
- Jefferson Ice Co.
- Jefferson School
- Jefferson Smurfit
- Jericho Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John A Roebling - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John A Sutter- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Alden - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John B Ashe- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Burroughs- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John C Fremont- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Davey- California Shipbuilding Corp.[SHIP]
- John Drew- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Fiske- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Goode- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John H Marion- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John H Quick - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Hathorn- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John J Ingalls- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Langdon- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Muir School
- John P Altgeld - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Page- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Paul Jones - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John S Casement - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John Steele- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- John W Searles - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Johns Manville
- Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.
- Joplin Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Jogensen Earle M Co.
- Jose Sepulveda - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Joseph Francis- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Joseph Mckenna- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Joseph Priestley- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Joseph Reynolds- California Shipbuilding Corp.n [SHIP]
- Josiah D Whitney- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Josiah Earl- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Josiah G Holland- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Josiah Nelson Cushing- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Juan Bautistade Anza- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Juan Cabrillo- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Juan Flaco Brown- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Junipero Serra- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Kaiser Medical Center
- Kasco Abrasive Inc.
- Keith Engineering Co.
- Kenton - California Shipbuilding Corp.[SHIP]
- Kenyan Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Kern Foods, Inc.
- Kerr McGee Chemical Corp.
- Kerr McGee Chemical Site
- Kingsport
- Kinsport Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Kirkhill Rubber Co.
- Kittson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Knudson Creamery
- Koloa Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- L. & F. Industries
- L.D. Reeder Co.
- L.E. Sonnenburgs Triple Wear Roof
- La Canada Heating & Air Conditioning
- La Grange - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- La Habra Stucco Co.
- La Sierra Heights Canning Co.
- Lacy Manufacturing Co.
- Ladish Pacif Division
- Lane Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Lanier - California Shipbuilding Corporation [SHIP]
- Lax Super Bay Hanger, Northridge Mall
- Lehigh Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Leland Stanford- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Leopold Damrosch - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Lever Brothers Co.
- Libby Owen Glass Factory
- Lincoln Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Linde Air Products Co.
- Liquid Carbon Corporation
- Liquid Carbonic Corp.
- Lomita Gas
- Los Angeles Accurate Insulation
- Los Angeles Air Conditioning
- Los Angeles Airport
- Los Angeles and Pacific Railway Co.
- Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel
- Los Angeles Brewing Co.
- Los Angeles City College
- Los Angeles City Water & Power Co.
- Los Angeles County Art Museum
- Los Angeles County Courthouse
- Los Angeles County Hospital
- Los Angeles County Music Center
- Los Angeles County Road Department
- Los Angeles County Sanitation
- Los Angeles Courthouse Jail
- Los Angeles Creamery Co.
- Los Angeles Gas and Electric Co.
- Los Angeles Gas and Electric Corp.
- Los Angeles General Hospital
- Los Angeles Hall of Records
- Los Angeles Harbor
- Los Angeles High School
- Los Angeles Ice and Cold Storage Co.
- Los Angeles Infirmary Sisters Hospital
- Los Angeles International Airport
- Los Angeles Junction
- Los Angeles Lathing Co.
- Los Angeles Lighting Co.
- Los Angeles Manual Arts High School
- Los Angeles Medical Center
- Los Angeles Pacific Co.
- Los Angeles Pacific Railroad Co.
- Los Angeles Paper Co.
- Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Co.
- Los Angeles Pressed Brick Co.
- Los Angeles Railway Co.
- Los Angeles Soap Co.
- Los Angeles Tech Trade School
- Los Angeles Times Building
- Los Angeles Traction Co.
- Los Angeles Trust Co.
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal
- Los Angeles Water Works
- Los Angeles Zoo
- Los Feliz Elementary School
- Lovell Gasoline Corp.
- Lowell Gasoline Corp.
- Lucern Milk Co.
- Lundy Thaggard
- Luray Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Lyman Stewart- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Madison Apartments
- Maier and Zobeling Brewery Co.
- Maier Packing Co.
- Mandalay Powerhouse
- Manual Arts School
- March Air Force Base
- Marina Raskova - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Mark Keppel - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Marsh Co Murray
- Martine Luther King Junior General Hospital
- Marvin Ave School
- Mary Andrews Clark Memorial Building
- Mary M Bethune Junior High
- Maryville Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Mathie Brewing Co.
- May Co.
- Mayflower Hotel
- McCullough Plant
- McDonald's, Sunset Blvd & Fountain Ave
- McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Co.
- Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Co.
- Merchants National Bank Building
- Meredith Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Meridian Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Metalclad Products Corp.
- Metals Refining Co., Inc.
- Metropolitan Water District
- Mexico Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Meyer Lissner - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Miguel Hidalgo - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Mitchell Rubber
- Mobil Oil Co.
- Monroe Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Morris-Thermador
- Morton Prince - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Murray Marsh
- Mutual Benefit Building
- Nabisco
- Nathan Hale - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Nathaniel B Palmer - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- National Aluminate Corp.
- National Biscuit Co.
- National Briquetting & Clay Working Machinery Co.
- National Container Corp.
- National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
- National Paper Products Co.
- Navajo Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- New Process Laundry of South California
- New Zealand Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- NG Manufacturing Plant
- Niagara Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Nicholas Longworth - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Norris Thermador
- North American Aviation
- North Platte Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Norwich Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Occidental Center Building
- Occidental College
- Occidental Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Oliver Hazard Perry - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- One Wilshire
- Orland Loomis - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Orson D Munn - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Oscar F Barrett - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Oshkosh Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Otis Elevator
- Owens Corning Fiberglas Corp.
- Osnard Madalay Plant
- PT Barnum - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Pabco Paper Products
- Pabst Brewing Co.
- Pacific Branch NHD United States Soldiers Home
- Pacific Coast Fireproofing
- Pacific Commercial
- Pacific Electric Railway Co.
- Pacific Fruit Express Co.
- Pacific Hard Rubber Co.
- Pacific Light and Power Co.
- Pacific Lighting Co.
- Pacific Reduction Co.
- Pacific Sewer Pipe Co.
- Pacific Tube
- Pacific Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Pacoima Junior High School
- Paine Wingate - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Panama Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Park La Brea Towers
- Pasadena Land and Water Co.
- Pasadena Los Angeles Electric Railway Co.
- Paul Dunbar - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Paul Revere - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Peter H Burnett - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Peter Silvester - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Philip C Shera - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Pillsbury Mills
- Pine Bluff Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Pioneer Division, Flintkote Co.
- Pioneer Flintkote
- Pioneer Manufacturing Co.
- Pioneer Roofing
- Planning Professionals Building
- Plant Insulation
- Plaza Co.
- Plaza Laboratory
- Plumb Tool
- Polytechnic High School
- Pomona Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Porteous Fastener Co.
- Pratt Victory - California Shipbuilding Corporation [SHIP]
- Precision Lightweight Aggregate
- Prima Die Co.
- Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co.
- Prudential Building
- Prudential Savings & Loan
- Purex Corp.
- Queen of Angels Hospital
- Queens Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Ragusa Pattern & Foundry
- Ralph A Cram - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Ralph M. Parsens Co.
- Ramona School
- Randolph Tx. Mines
- Redondo 8
- Reece Insulation
- Refining Assoc. Indonesia
- Rehco Sheet Metal
- Renssealer Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Revere Copper & Brass, Inc.
- Rice Victory - California Shipbuilding Corpo. [SHIP]
- Richard Henry Dana - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Richard J Cleveland - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Richfield Oil Co.
- Rider Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Rio Grande Oil Co.
- Robert F Stockton - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Robert G Ingersoll - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Robert Morris - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Roosevelt High School
- Roswell Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Rufus King - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Rutgers Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- S.F. Team Track
- Saint Francis Hospital
- Saks L.J.
- Samson Occum - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Samson Tire and Rubber Co.
- Samuel Adams - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- San Carlos Circle Star Theatre
- San Gabriel Electric Co.
- San Onofre Generating Plant
- San Pedro Shipyard
- San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railway Co.
- Sanford B Dole - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Santa Clara Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Santa Fe Railroad
- Santa Maria Electric & Gas Co.
- Sapulpa Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Sawyer Electric
- Scattergood Powerhouse
- Schuyler Colfax - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Sears
- Seaside Water Co.
- Secondo Guasti
- Security First National Bank
- Selma Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Sharon Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Shell Chemical Co.
- Shell Oil Co.
- Sherman Oaks School
- Sherwood Anderson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Sidney Howard - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Sierra Construction Co.
- Signal Oil & Gas Co.
- Sioux Falls Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Smurfit Stone Container
- Sokig Lumber Co.
- Soldiers Home
- South Pacific Firestone Park, Team Track
- South Pacific Pipeline, Pump Station
- Southern Board and Paper Mills
- Southern Bolt & Screw
- Southern Cal Gas Co.
- Southern California Box Co.
- Southern California Chemical Co.
- Southern California Edison Co.
- Southern California Gas Co.
- Southern California Iron & Steel Co.
- Southern California Telephone Co. Bldg.
- Southern California Water Co.
- Southern Pacific Co.
- Southern Pacific Railroad
- Southwestern Engineering Co.
- Southwestern Portland Cement Co.
- Sparkletts Bottled Water Corp.
- SS Hong Kong Knight
- St. Johns Medical Center
- St. Mary's - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- St. Vincent's Hospital
- Standard Boiler and Steel Works
- Standard Oil Co.
- Starr King - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- State School for Boys
- Statler Hilton Hotel
- Stauffer Chemical
- Stephen H Long - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Stephen Johnson Field- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Stephen T Mather- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Stephen Vincent Benet- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Sterer Engineering & Manufacturing Company
- Sugar Products
- Super Bay Hangar, American Airlines
- Superior Oil Co.
- Sweets Company of America, Inc.
- Swift and Co.
- Sylmar Packing Co.
- Sylvester Pattie- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Table Linen Supply
- Taco Bell
- Taos Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Terminal Annex Post Office
- Texaco Inc.
- Texallano Plant
- Texarkana Victory- California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Texas Co.
- Thaddeus S C Lowe- California Shipbuilding Corporation [SHIP]
- Theodore Hamm Brewing Co.
- Thomas G. Masaryk - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Thomas H Gallaudet - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Thomas Havesty Co.
- Thomas Hill - California Shipbuilding Corporation [SHIP]
- Thomas Oliver Larkin - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Thomas Paine - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Thorpe Insulation
- Time Magazine Headquarters
- Tishman Building
- Todd Shipyards
- Tonapath & Tidewater R.R. Co.
- Topeka Drive School
- Transamerica Building
- Trigen Central Plants
- Trinidad Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Trojan Aircraft Castings
- TRW Corporation
- Tuscon Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Tufts Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- U P Lease Pipeline
- UCLA Hospital, Medical Center
- UCLA Library
- UCLA Memorial Center
- U.S. Rubber Company
- U.S.S.R. Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- UCLA, Various Buildings
- Union Hollywood Water Co.
- Union Ice Co.
- Union Oil Co.
- Union Oil Company of California
- Union Pacific Plant
- Union Pacific Railroad Co.
- Union Pacific Refinery
- Union Well Supply Co.
- Uniroyal Tire Co.
- United Air Lines, Flight Kitchen Dock
- United Piece Dye Works Co. (aka California Sanitary Canning Co.)
- United States Aluminum Co.
- United States Rubber Co.
- United States Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- United Technology Corporation
- University of Southern California
- University of Southern California Hospital
- University of Southern California Medical Center
- Valley Place Methodist Church
- Van Buskirk Drywall
- Van Nuys Building Co.
- Vanderbilt Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Vernon L Kellogg - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Veteran's Affairs Medical Center
- Veterans Administration
- Veterans Administration Hospital
- Victor F Lawson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Villanova Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- W.F. Lawrence Co.
- W.S. Kilpatrick & Co.
- Wabash Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Waco Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Washington High School
- Wayne Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Washington High School
- Wayne Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- West Side Lighting Co.
- West Side Lithograph Co.
- Western Chemical and Manufacturing
- Western Drop Forge
- Western Fibrous Glass Products
- Western Pipe & Steel
- Western Waxide
- Westinghouse Electric Co.
- Wheaton Victory - California Shipbuilding Corporation [SHIP]
- Whitaker Co., Bermite Division
- White Memorial Hospital
- Whittier Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Wildasin Team Track
- Wiley Post - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Wilfred Grenfell - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William Carson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William F Cody - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William F Maclennan - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William Floyd - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William H Carruth - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William H Prescott - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William I Kip - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William Kelly - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William M Gwin - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William M Stewart - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William R Nelson - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William Winter - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- William Wolfskill - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Williams & Sons
- Willis Moore
- Willis Vandevanter - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Wilshire Oil
- Wilshire Plaza
- Winthrop Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Wooster Victory - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Working Machine Co.
- World Trade Center
- Wright and Callender Building Co.
- Wyatt Earp - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Xerox
- Zebulon Pike - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
- Zona Gale - California Shipbuilding Corp. [SHIP]
Los Angeles Zip Codes Served
Our mesothelioma attorneys have represented hundreds of clients like you in almost every state. No matter where you are, we can help. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Los Angeles about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Below are zip codes served in Los Angeles, CA:
90001, 90002, 90003, 90004, 90005, 90006, 90007, 90008, 90010, 90011, 90012, 90013, 90014, 90015, 90016, 90017, 90018, 90019, 90020, 90021, 90023, 90024, 90025, 90026, 90027, 90028, 90029, 90031, 90032, 90033, 90034, 90035, 90036, 90037, 90038, 90039, 90041, 90042, 90043, 90044, 90045, 90046, 90047, 90048, 90049, 90056, 90057, 90058, 90059, 90061, 90062, 90063, 90064, 90065, 90066, 90067, 90068, 90069, 90071, 90077, 90079, 90089, 90090, 90094, 90095, 90210, 90212, 90230, 90232, 90247, 90248, 90272, 90275, 90290, 90291, 90292, 90293, 90402, 90405, 90501, 90502, 90710, 90717, 90731, 90732, 90744, 90745, 90810, 90813, 91030, 91040, 91042, 91105, 91214, 91303, 91304, 91306, 91307, 91311, 91316, 91324, 91325, 91326, 91330, 91331, 91335, 91340, 91342, 91343, 91344, 91345, 91352, 91356, 91364, 91367, 91371, 91401, 91402, 91403, 91405, 91406, 91411, 91423, 91436, 91504, 91505, 91601, 91602, 91604, 91605, 91606, 91607, 91608
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