Louisville is the largest city in the state of Kentucky as well as the county seat of Jefferson County. The city is located along the Ohio River in north-central Kentucky at the Falls of the Ohio. Louisville quickly became an important shipping port as it is located in a central location for cargo to move to other parts of the United States. Its position at the Falls of the Ohio also forced river boats to unload their cargo before reaching the falls. In 1859 the Louisville and Nashville Railroad was completed and Louisville grew as cargo could now be shipped by water and rail through the city.
By World War II, Louisville was home to producers of synthetic rubber, tractors and farming equipment and tobacco in addition to war time production of aircraft at the Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Company.
The history of aircraft production, shipping & maritime industry and manufacturing in Louisville unfortunately includes many industries and jobsites where asbestos products were popularly used, putting workers at an increased risk of developing mesothelioma cancer from exposure on the job.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in Louisville
Our mesothelioma lawyers in Louisville, KY focus solely on mesothelioma cases allowing us to devote our full resources to maximizing each client's recovery. We understand the challenges you are now facing with a mesothelioma cancer diagnosis and we are sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering as we navigate the unique legal aspects of mesothelioma cases.
It is important to know that each state has its own mesothelioma laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.
Louisville, KY Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
Louisville has a number of cancer centers and doctors that treat mesothelioma. The following are a list of some of the cancer centers that specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.

University of Louisville Health Sciences Center
James Graham Brown Cancer Center
529 South Jackson Street
Louisville, KY 40292
Louisville, KY Asbestos Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in Louisville. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult a Louisville attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
- 2316 Watterson Trail
- 662 Lindell St., Apartment Building
- A.P. Green Refractories Company
- Acands, Inc.
- Aetna Oil Co.
- Albert Rich Motel
- Alex J Barrett Junior High School
- Amer Rad and Stand San
- American Air Filter
- American Medicinal Spirits Company, Inc.
- American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corp.
- American Rubber & Chemical Co.
- American Synthetic
- American Textile Woolen Company
- American Tobacco Company
- Amstan Corporation
- Anaconda Aluminum
- Anaconda Copper Mining Company
- Anderson Manufacturing Co.
- Appliance Park
- Arkla Air Conditioning Corp.
- Armstrong Contracting & Supply
- Ashland Oil, Inc.
- B.F. Goodrich Chemical Company
- B.P. Avery & Sons
- Ballard and Ballard Company
- Baptist Church - Walnut Street
- Belknap Hardware and Manufacturing Company
- Berger Jim, Inc.
- Bernheim Distilling Company
- Bigelow Liptak Corporation, La Ja
- Blue Grass Cooperage Company
- Bonnie Brothers Distillery
- Boone Distillery
- Borden Chemical Co.
- Bosch Chemical Company
- Boyled Galvanizing Company
- Brown - Forman Distillery Co.
- Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation
- Brown Forman Distillers Corporation
- Brown Power Station
- Brown Wood Preserving Co.
- Buckeye Cellulose Corporation
- Buckeye Cotton Oil Company
- C & I Girdler Corp.
- C J Drum - Storage Facility
- C.F. Vissman and Company
- Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corporation
- Cardinal Extrusions Co.
- Cardinal Industrial Insulation
- Catalysts & Chemicals
- Celanese Coatings Company
- Central Consumers Company
- Central Kentucky Lunatic Asylum
- Central Maintenance Bldg. #26 - Appliance Park
- Chevron Asphalt Company
- Churchill Downs Club Room
- Churchill Downs, Dining Room B
- Citizens Electric Light & Power Company
- Citizens Lighting Company
- City & County
- Colgate, Palmolive Plant
- Columbia Land Co.
- Consolidated Realty Company
- Container Corp of America
- Cooper Hewitt Company
- Corhart Refractories Company
- Cornwall Brothers
- County Metropolitan Sewer District
- Courier Journal Company
- Creasey Company
- Crescent Hill Pumping Station
- Crothersville School
- Danner Restaurant
- Diehl Pump Co.
- Dixie Roofing & Insulation
- Dosker Manor Project
- Doss School
- Dow Corning Chemical
- Dow Petrochemical
- Drummond Manufacturing Company
- Dupont Chemical
- Dwight D Eisenhower Elementary School
- E. W. Brown Power Station
- E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company
- Eastern Kentucky State University
- Eastern Parkway
- Edward F. Heimbrock Company
- Ewing Van Aimen
- Falls City Brewing Company, Inc.
- Falls City Ice and Beverage Co.
- Faucett Dearing Co.
- Federal Reserve Bank
- First National Bank
- Fischer Packing Co.
- Five-Fifty Apartments
- Ford Motor Company
- Francis Building
- Frank Fehr Brewing Company
- Frankfort Distilleries,Inc.
- Frederick's Bowling Alley
- Frito Lay, Inc.
- Gamble Brothers, Inc.
- General Electric Company
- General Hospital
- General Insulation & Roofing Co.
- General Insulation & Supply
- Geon Plant
- George G. Fetter Lighting & Heating Company
- Germantown Siding
- Girdler Catalyst & Chemical Company
- Girdler Corporation
- Glenview East Apartment Building
- Golden Foods
- Goodrich
- Gordon Foods Company
- Harry Doss High School
- Henry Fischer Packing Company
- Henry Vogt Machine Company
- Hikes Point Apartment Building
- Hillcreek Manor Nursing Home
- Hirsch Brothers & Company
- Hope Worsted Mills
- Hurstbourne Highrise Office Building
- Hydro-Blast Corporation
- Illinois Central System
- Ind Farm Bureau
- Industrial Engineering Co.
- International Harvester Company
- J. Gordon English Company
- J. Graham Brown Educational Center
- J. Mc Thelliauis Company
- J. Schwarzwalder & Sons Inc.
- J.B. Speeds and Company
- J.B. Wathen and Brothers Company
- J.G. Mattingly Company
- Jas. Mc Williams and Company
- Jeff Boat
- Jefferson Company Jail
- Jefferson County Jail
- Jefferson Hall of Justice
- Jefferson Woodworking Company
- Jesco Sheet Metal Company
- Jewish Hospital
- John Finzer and Brothers
- Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Inc.
- Joseph Mcwilliams & Co.
- K.X.C. & I. Girdler
- Kentuckey Wagon Manufacturing Co.
- Kentucky & Indiana Terminal Railroad Co.
- Kentucky Asphalt Company
- Kentucky Distilleries & Warehouse Co.
- Kentucky Electric Company
- Kentucky State Industrial College
- Kentucky Tobacco Product Company
- Kentucky Valley Distilling Company
- Kenwood Corporation
- Klarer of Kentucky
- Klarer Packing Company
- L & N Railroad
- Levy Brothers
- Lge Plant Paddy Run
- Lisco Fabrication Inc.
- Lorillard Corporation
- Louisville & Interurban RR Company
- Louisville and Nashville Railroad
- Louisville Chair & Furniture
- Louisville Cotton Oil Company
- Louisville Courier-Journal
- Louisville Drying Machinery Co.
- Louisville Electric Light Company
- Louisville Fire Brick Works
- Louisville Gas & Electric Co - Cane Run Station
- Louisville Gas & Electric Co.
- Louisville Gas & Electric Co. - Paddy's Run Station
- Louisville Gas & Electric Co. - Waterside
- Louisville Gas & Electric, Cane Run Station
- Louisville Gas Company
- Louisville General Hospital
- Louisville Insulation & Supply Company
- Louisville Lighting Company
- Louisville Linen Supply Co.
- Louisville Power Plant
- Louisville Provision Company
- Louisville Railway Company
- Louisville Refining Company
- Louisville Soap Company
- Louisville Space Center
- Louisville Tin & Stove
- Louisville Trust Company
- Louisville Veneer Works
- Louisville Water Company, Inc.
- M & T Chemical Inc.
- Margaret Merker School
- Markolfs Meat Company
- Masonic Widows & Orphans Home
- Mayfield Woolen Mills Clothing Co.
- Mengel Body Company
- Mengel Box Company
- Merchant's Ice & Cold Storage
- Methodist Evangelical Hospital
- Mill Creek Elementary School
- Mill Creek Station
- Minneapolis Moline Co.
- Mobil Chemical Company
- Monarch Branch
- Muscatatuck School
- National Distillers Products Corporation
- Neoprene Plant
- Newcomb-Griffin Co.
- Nopco Chemical Co.
- Norman Lumber
- OCF Corporation - Dryers
- Ohio Falls Dye and Finishing Works
- Okolona Elementary School
- Old Kentucky Distillery
- Old Kentucky Woolen Mills
- Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp.
- Owens Corning Fiberglass Corp.
- P. Lorillard Company
- Packaging Service Co.
- Paddy's Run Station
- Palmer Products
- Paoli School
- Park and Dilford Distillery
- Parkland Junior High School
- Parkway Team Track
- Philbrico
- Philip Morris & Company Limited, Inc.
- Phoenix Brewing Company
- Porcelain Metals Corporation
- Producers Wood Preserving Company
- Publicker Company
- Puritan Apartments
- Quality Foods Incorporated
- Ralston Purina
- Ready Mix Concrete Co.
- Red Cross Blood Center
- Rex Chain Belt Incorporated - Dryer
- Reynolds Metal Company
- River Front Parking Garage
- Rohm & Haas Company
- Ronalco
- Ross Paris Hotel Company
- S. Wallace Edwards
- Saint Mary & Elizabeth Hospital
- Saint Matthews Nursing Home
- Sam P. Wallace & Co.
- Science Building
- Seelbach Hotel
- Seelbach Realty Company
- Shawnee Elementary School
- Shawnee High School
- Shenley Distillery Bernheim Distillery
- Sinclair Refining Co.
- Sisters of The Good Shepherd
- South Central Bell Telephone Company
- Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Southern Bell Telephone Co. Building
- Southern Material Services Co., Inc.
- Southern Repairs
- Southwestern Tobacco Company
- Spalding Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co.
- Speed Realty Company
- St. Joseph Infirmary
- St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- St. Xavier Laundry
- Standard Sanitary Company
- Standiford Field
- State Tuberculosis Hospital
- Stauffer Chemical Co.
- Straight Creek Coal and Coke Company
- Sunnybrook Distillery Company
- Ten Broeck Tyre Company
- The Marley Co.
- The Mengel Co. (Currogated Box Division)
- Tobacco Warehousing and Trading Company
- Tommy Borders
- Tube Turns Division of Chemetron Corp.
- Union Carbide & Carbon Chemical Corp.
- University Hospital
- University Of Kentucky - English Building
- University Of Louisville, various buildings
- US District Courthouse
- Veterans Administration Hospital
- Veteran's Affairs Hospital
- Vocational Education Building
- Vogt Brothers Manufacturing Co.
- Votator Division
- Walnut Street Baptist Church
- Ware Ivan Heating & Cooling
- Weissinger Gaulbert Real Estate Company
- Western Junior High School
- Western Kraft
- Westinghouse
- Wood Mosaic Company
- Wright and Taylor
Louisville Zip Codes Served
Our mesothelioma attorneys have represented hundreds of clients like you in almost every state. No matter where you are, we can help. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in Louisville about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Below are zip codes served in Louisville, KY:
40201, 40202, 40203, 40204, 40205, 40206, 40207, 40208, 40209, 40210, 40211, 40212, 40213, 40214, 40215, 40216, 40217, 40218, 40219, 40220, 40221, 40222, 40223, 40224, 40225, 40228, 40229, 40231, 40232, 40233, 40241, 40242, 40243, 40245, 40250, 40251, 40252, 40253, 40255, 40256, 40257, 40258, 40259, 40261, 40266, 40268, 40269, 40270, 40272, 40280, 40281, 40282, 40283, 40285, 40287, 40289, 40290, 40291, 40292, 40293, 40294, 40295, 40296, 40297, 40298, 40299
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