San Francisco - Spanish for "Saint Francis" - is located along the central coast of California at the north end of the San Francisco Peninsula in the San Francisco Bay. The city was founded in the 1700s as a Spanish fort and mission and was then purchased by the United States, along with the rest of the state of California, after the Mexican-American war.
During the Gold Rush in 1849, settlers flooded into the city bringing rapid growth in both population and wealth. Manufacturers, merchants and construction created an active city and the banking industry grew as companies such as Wells Fargo and the Bank of California were founded in San Francisco. The Port of San Francisco and access to the Pacific Railroad also made San Francisco a center for trade and shipbuilding. In the early 1900s an earthquake and fire destroyed nearly three-quarters of the city and was quickly rebuilt. Rapid construction came to the city again after World War II as service members returning from the Pacific to Fort Mason decided settled in San Francisco leading to urban planning projects and redevelopment.
San Francisco's industrial history of manufacturing, shipbuilding, and repeated construction unfortunately includes many occupations where asbestos products were widely used throughout the 20th century.If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in California about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Filing a Mesothelioma Claim in San Francisco
Our San Francisco, CA mesothelioma attorneys are focused solely on mesothelioma allowing us to maximize each client's recovery and navigate the unique legal aspects of these cases while being sensitive to the concerns of our clients suffering. Each state has its own mesothelioma laws and if you wait too long, your claims may be barred.
San Francisco Mesothelioma Treatment Centers
There are a number of cancer centers and doctors in San Francisco that treat mesothelioma. The following are a list of some of the cancer centers in the Bay Area that specialize in treatment for mesothelioma. If you would like to learn more, CLICK HERE to contact our client service team or call us at 800-300-2919.

UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
1600 Divisadero Street
San Francisco, CA 94115
San Francisco Mesothelioma Physicians
Dr. David M. Jablons is a renowned lung cancer expert, chief of General Thoracic Surgery at UCSF Medical Center and program leader of the Thoracic Oncology Program of the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. He also is director of the UCSF Thoracic Oncology Laboratory where he is investigating molecular biology and genomics.
Jablons earned an undergraduate degree from Yale University and a medical degree from Albany Medical College of Union University. He completed a surgical residency at Tufts-New England Medical Center. He has written numerous research papers and frequently lectures about lung cancer at international and national meetings. He is a member of many professional organizations, including the American Association for Cancer Research, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Theirry Jahan, M.D.
Specialty: Hematology/Oncology
The UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
1600 Divisadero Street, Fourth Floor
San Francisco, CA 94143
Dr. Thierry M. Jahan specializes in the treatment of lung cancer, mesothelioma, sarcomas and endocrine tumors and the use of multiple treatments. In addition to caring for patients, Jahan is involved in studying new treatments for malignancies related to the chest. His research focuses on treatments for the management of lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma.
Jahan earned a medical degree from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He completed an internship, residency and fellowship in medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and then completed a fellowship in hematology and oncology at UCSF, before joining the faculty in 1994. He is the recipient of the Medical Housestaff Outstanding Teacher Award at UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion. He also is member of numerous professional societies, including the American College of Physicians, American Society of Clinical Oncology, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer and the Association of Northern California Oncologists. He is a clinical professor of medicine at UCSF.
Shayne Cardozo
Lung surgery nurse coordinator
Shayne Cardozo, a nurse coordinator in lung surgery, specializes in the care of patients with lung cancer, in particular mesothelioma, a rare tumor that grows from the cells lining the lungs or the abdominal cavity. Cardozo is our patient's resource for information before and after surgery and works to ensure that the experience goes smoothly. She also assists doctors in the community to streamline the process of referring patients to UCSF Medical Center and teaches other nurses about caring for patients with lung disease. Cardozo earned a bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of Florida in Gainesville in 1996. She continued her training at the University of Florida's Shands Hospital and at UCSF Medical Center, including experience in the liver, heart and lung transplant units.
Dr. Mark Lischner
Specialty: Pulmonology
Pulmonary Medicine Associates Medical Group
5 Medical Plaza Drive, Suite 190
Roseville, CA 95661
Mark W. Lischner, M.D., is a critical care pulmonologist who has worked for more than 40 years in California’s Sacramento area, often using his personal experiences to guide him through his career. His areas of expertise as a disease specialist include asbestosis, asthma, interstitial fibrosis, and sarcoidosis, a disease Lischner lived through himself. Sarcoidosis is a potentially fatal inflammatory disease that usually affects the lungs. Its cause remains unknown, and it often improves as quickly as it appears. He also works with patients suffering from pleural mesothelioma, the most common form of mesothelioma cancer which affects the lining of the lungs. As with asbestosis, mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos.
Joel Baumgartner, M.D.
UC San Diego Health System - La Jolla
Moores Cancer Center
3855 Health Sciences Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
(800) 926-8273
Dr. Baumgartner has specific expertise and interest in treating tumors that have metastasized to the abdomen, using a promising treatment known as the “chemo bath" or hyperthermic (heated) intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). This treatment involves surgical resection of all tumors followed by circulation of heated chemotherapy throughout the abdomen. This technique avoids many of the toxicities associated with systemic chemotherapy, while exposing the abdomen to higher concentrations of chemotherapy. Dr. Baumgartner spent two years working and training at one of highest volume HIPEC centers in the world at the University of Pittsburgh and therefore has significant experience with this procedure.
Dr. Baumgartner completed a surgical oncology fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine with a focus on clinical research, which included additional training in the development and conduct of clinical trials. He completed a residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He earned his medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine in Bloomington, Ind. Dr. Baumgartner is board certified in general surgery.
He is a member of numerous societies including the Society of Surgical Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology and is an associate member of the American Association for Cancer Research and the American College of Surgeons.
Marianna Koczywas, M.D.
Clinical Professor, Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research
City of Hope Hospital Duarte Location
1500 East Duarte Road
Duarte, CA, 91010
Dr. Koczywas graduated from Pomorska Akademia Medyczna in 1984 and has been in practice for 32 years. She completed a residency at UCLA Medical Center. She is the principal investigator in a recently-opened phase II clinical trial for mesothelioma involving methoxyamine, a small molecule inhibitor drug designed to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.
San Francisco Asbestos Exposure Sites
Many of our clients are unsure of how they could have been exposed to asbestos. We have hired some of the best investigators in the business. Our investigators will track down who was responsible to help ensure that they can be held accountable.
Below is a partial list of buildings and job sites where asbestos exposure may have occurred in San Francisco, CA. If you or a loved one have mesothelioma, or other asbestos-related injury, and wish to consult an Oakland mesothelioma attorney about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
- A Baker Hotel Pleasonton
- A. Schilling & Co.
- A.A.A. Shipyard
- A.P. Green Refractories Co.
- ABC Studios
- AC&S
- Accumulator Insurance
- Acme Beer Plant
- Acme Brewing Co.
- Acme Export Packing Co.
- Aconcauga - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Addressograph Multigraph
- Adolph Sutro
- Aero Delivery
- African Patriot/Hull 269/USSB 1182 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- African Pilot/Hull 268/USSB 1181 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Agency Expediting
- Agwiqueen/Hull 274/USSB 1187 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Alaska Commercial Building
- Alcoa Aluminum
- Alexander & Baldwin
- Allen Meat Co.
- Allen's Delivery
- Allied Packing & Supply
- Allis Chalmers Manufacturing Co.
- Amelco Corp
- American Airlines
- American Asbestos Co.
- American Bear
- American Biscuit Co.
- American Can Co.
- American Cream of Tartar Co.
- American Express Co.
- American Hospital Management
- American Licorice Co.
- American Linen Supply Co.
- American President Lines, Ltd.
- Americana Motel
- Ammen
- Anchor Brewing Co.
- Anchor Packing Corp.
- Anderson & Rowe
- Anna E Waden Library
- AP Giannini Middle School
- Apartment House - 15th Ave
- Apartment House - 36 Sharon St.
- Apartment House - 899 Pine St.
- APL Building
- Arabian American Oil Co.
- Arcon Incorporated
- Argonaut/Hull 269/USSB 1182 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Armanino Farms
- Armor Galvanizing Works
- Armour Meat Packing Plant
- Armstrong Contracting & Supply
- Armstrong Cork
- Army Street Terminal
- Arthur Anderson Hartford Building
- Associated Lathing & Plastering Co.
- Associated Oil Co.
- Atlas Heating & Ventilating Co.
- Atlas Iron Works
- Atlas Minerals & Chemicals, Inc.
- Atlas Roofing Co.
- B. & J.S. Doe
- B.H. Loveless
- Babcock & Wilcox Company
- Bahrein Petroleum Co.
- Bank of America
- Bank of California
- Bank of Montreal
- Barbara Lykes/Hull 272/USSB 1185 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Barclays Bank
- Barrelier Heating
- Barrett & Hilp
- Bartlett Snow Pacific
- Bart
- Battery Exchange
- Bay & River Navigation Co.
- Bay Area Rapid Transit Power - Civic Center Station
- Bayview Towers
- Beale St. Team Track
- Bechtel Corp.
- Bechtel-Price-Callahan
- Bedford Hotel
- Belle of the West/Hull 274/USSB 1187 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Belmont Florist
- Belmont School
- Benjamin Franklin Junior High
- Berlin Food Equipment Co.
- Best Foods, Inc.
- Bethel Fellowship Hall
- Bethlehem Office Building
- Bethlehem Pacific Coast Steel Corp.
- Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp.
- Bethlehem Steel Co.
- Betts Spring Co.
- Black Prince/Hull 276/USSB 1189 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Blue Shield Building
- Board of Education Shop Building
- Bohemian Club
- Bowers (USS)
- Boys and Girls Aid Scoiety
- Brenneke Sheet Metal
- Brown Brothers Building
- Buckingham and Hecht
- Bulk Food Carriers Inc.
- Bullock & Jones
- Bumstead Woolford Co.
- Burgermeister Brewery
- Burns Drayage Co.
- Bush & Kearny Streets
- Bush Street Station
- Butler Building
- C J Fagoni Meat
- C.C. Moore Co.
- C.W. Stouffer Co.
- Cahill Construction
- Caldwell
- Caldwell Banker
- California Bear
- California Canadian Bank
- California Chemical Co.
- California Division of Highways - Maintenance Station
- California Electric Supply Co.
- California Fruit Canners Association
- California Gas and Electric Co.
- California Meat Co.
- California Pack Utility
- California Packing Corp.
- California Petroleum Refineries
- California Physicians Service
- California Podiatry Hospital
- California Savings & Loan
- California Street Cable Railway Co.
- Callaway (APA-35)
- Calloway
- Cambria Spring
- Candlestick Park
- Career Academy
- Cargill, Inc.
- Carlisle Co.
- Cartwright Hotel
- Castle and Cooke Limited
- Cathedral High School
- Cathedral School for Boys
- Catholic Archdiocese Office
- Central heating Plant
- Central Police Station
- Challenge Cream & butter
- Chapel of Sunset
- Charles Ayers Co.
- Charles C. Moore and Co.
- Chevron Oil Co.
- Chevron Oil Refinery
- Children's Hospital
- Chinese YMCA
- Christian Manufacturing Engineers
- Christopher Dairies
- Chronicle Building
- Circus Peanuts
- City & County of San Francisco, CA
- City College of San Francisco
- City Electric Co.
- City Hall
- Civil Service Employment Insurance Co.
- CJ Hendry Co.
- Claus Spreckels Building
- Clay & Jones Apartments
- Cleasby-Witting (Cleasby Manufacturing Co.)
- Clementina Apartments
- Cleveland Apartments
- Cleveland Wrecking
- Clift Hotel Co.
- Climax Uranium Co.
- Coastal Marine
- Coca Cola
- Coddington Co.
- Coen Co.
- Coghlan
- Cole & De Graas
- Columbia-Geneva Steel Division of US Steel Co.
- Commercial Air Conditioning
- Commercial Box Factory
- Commercial Steam Power Works
- Commercial Union Insurance Group
- Commonwealth Bank
- Computer Usage Development
- Conlin & Roberts
- Consumers Ice Co.
- Consumers Light and Power Co.
- Continental Baking Co.
- Continental Can Co.
- Continental Marine
- Continental Maritime of San Francisco
- Continental Smelting & Refining Co.
- Convent of the Shepherd
- Cooper Medical College
- Copper King Limited
- Corn Products Co.
- Corps of Engineers, United States Army
- Cosmopolitan Restaurant
- Council Chamber of the National Headquarters of the Eng Family Benevolent Association
- Cow Palace
- Crittenton Home
- Crocker Bank
- Crocker Citizen's Bank
- Crocker Hotel Co.
- Crocker Plaza
- Crowley Maritime Corp.
- Crown Columbia Pulp & Paper Co.
- Crown Zellerbach
- Crystal Baths
- CSAA Building
- Cyclops Refrigerator
- Cyman Hall
- D. Ghirardelli Co.
- D.O. Mills
- Dairy Delivery Co, Inc.
- Dalziel and Moller
- Damon N. Cummings (USS)
- Daniel Meyer
- Dante Sanatorium
- Dawson Meat Co.
- De Anza College
- De Lano Bros Co.
- De Young Museum
- Dean Witter Building
- Del Mar School
- Del Monte Milling Co.
- Deming Brothers
- Denarde Construction Co.
- Dental College
- Department of Correction - Ferry Building
- Dependable Refrigeration
- Dhrco Distribution
- Diamond Heights High School
- Dinwiddie Construction
- Division of Highways Office
- Dohrmann Hotel Supply
- Dollar Building
- Domestic Cheese Co.
- Douglass Insulation
- Dow Metal Products Co.
- Dudley Perkins Motorcycle
- Duke Energy Corp.
- DuPont Chemical
- Dutton Asbestos
- E.H. Edwards Wire Rope Co.
- E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
- E.J. Bartells Co.
- Eagle Wing/Hull 271/USSB 1184 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- East Hills/Hull 271/USSB 1184 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Eastman Kodak Co.
- Eddie Bauer Retail
- El Camino High School
- Electrical Contractors Building
- Ellis Brook Chevrolet
- Embarcadero Post Office Center
- Embarcadero
- Emery Air Freight
- Emporium Building
- Engineers Mechanical Construction
- England (USS)
- Engstrum and Nourse
- Envirotech Systems Inc
- Equitable Life Building
- Equitable Life Insurance
- Equitable Light and Power Co.
- Etna/Hull 278/USSB 1191 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Eureka Federal Savings & Loan
- Eureka Glue Co.
- Eureka Machine Corp.
- Everett Junior High School
- Evergreen Mariner
- Examiner Building
- Excelsior Heating
- Excelsior Theatre
- F.H. and F.S. Johnson
- F.J. Khorp
- Fabrica De Papel
- Fairmont Hotel
- Fatted Calf Restaurant
- Fed Met Refractories
- Federal Building
- Federal Office Building
- Federal Reserve Bank Building
- Federal Security Co.
- Feedstuffs Processing Co.
- Fenco
- Ferry - Disc Test Unit
- Ferry Building
- Ferry Steel Products
- Fiberboard Office
- Fiberglas Engineering & Supply Co.
- Fibreboard Products, Inc.
- Fieberling (USS)
- Fig Power Refrigeration Co.
- Financial Center Building
- Fire Station #46
- Fireboat - The Phoenix
- Firehouse #28
- Firehouse #37
- Firemans Fund
- First Western Bank
- First Western Building
- Flax's Artists Materials
- Fleischmann Co.
- Florsheim Shoe Store
- Flying Yankee/Hull 270/USSB 1183 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Folger Coffee Co.
- Foreman (USS)
- Foremost Dairies
- Foremost Foods
- Fort Mason
- Fort Miley
- Four Season Hotel
- Fox Plaza
- Fox Plaza Office & Apartment Building
- Fox Warfield Building
- Francisco Sugar Co.
- Frank D. Smith Co.
- Frank Gallagher
- Franklin Hospital
- Franklin Machine Works, Inc.
- Frazier
- Frederick Whitman Co.
- Fredrickson & Watson Construction Co.
- Fremont Center Building
- French Bank of Paris International
- French Hospital
- Fujiya Restaurant
- Fulton Engineering and Shipbuilding Co.
- Galland Mercantile Laundry Co.
- Gallo Salami Co.
- Gardner A. Dailey Office
- Garfield Square
- Garlock, Inc.
- Garrett Co. W.J.
- Gateway Hardware
- Geary Street Park and Ocean Railroad Co.
- Gendereau (USS)
- General Brewing Co.
- General Chemcia
- General Electric Company, Russ Building
- General Engineering & Dry Dock
- General Services Administration
- Genesee Mill Co.
- George Litograph Co.
- George W. McNear
- German Hospital
- Ghiradelli Square, various buildings
- Giant Powder Co.
- Gino's Restaurant
- Glidden Paint
- Global Air Cargo
- Globe Grain and Milling Co.
- Globe Metals Co.
- Golden Bear
- Golden Gate Bridge Toll Station
- Golden Gate College
- Golden Gate Flour Mills
- Golden Gate Garage
- Golden Gate Industrial
- Golden Gate Law College
- Golden Gate Magazines - Warehouse
- Golden Gate Park Sharon Building
- Golden Gate University
- Golden Gate Woolen Mills Manufacturing Co.
- Golden Gateway Apartments
- Golden Gateway Center
- Golden Mariner
- Golden State Milk Products Co.
- Golden Streetate Meat Co.
- Goldman & Sons
- Goodyear Ruber Co.
- Grace Lines, Inc.
- Granada Hotel
- Granat Brothers Jewelers
- Great Western Power Co.
- Green Hill Apartments
- Grinnell Co.
- Grodin's
- Growers Refrigeration
- GSA Building
- Guittard Chocolate
- HLS Lamb
- H.B. Fuller Co.
- H.P. Gregory and Co.
- Hall of Justice
- Halladie Plaza
- Hamms Brewery
- Harbor Tug & Barge
- Hartford Building
- Harford Insurance Co.
- Hastings Store - St. Francis Hotel
- Hazelwood
- Head Gasket Co.
- Hearst Building
- Heat & Control Inc
- Hebrew Orphan Asylum
- Hellenic Sunbeam/Hull 273/USSB 1186 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Henry-Tibbitts Contruction Co.
- Henshaw, Bulkley & Co.
- Hibernia Bank
- Hickory Apartments
- Highflier/Hull 267/USSB 1180 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Hill Brothers Coffee
- Hillsdale Shopping Center
- Hilp Building
- Hilton Hotel
- Hinckley, Spiers & Hayes
- Hobart Estate Building
- Hobby
- Holdbrook, Merrill & Stetson
- Holiday Inn
- Homewood Terrace
- Hong Kong Bank
- Honig Cooper Building
- Hormel Meat Co.
- Horne (USS)
- Hospital for Children & Training School for Nurses
- Hotel Wesminster
- House of Providence, Mills Building
- Hubertus Co.
- Huckins Hotel
- Humboldt Savings Bank
- Hungry Tiger Restaurant
- Hunt, Mirk & Co.
- Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard
- Huntswood, S.P. Team
- Hurley Plumbing & Heating
- Hurrican
- Hyatt House Union Square
- Hyatt Regency Hotel
- Hygrade Meat
- Hyland Blood Bank
- Independent Electric Light and Power Co.
- Indies Terminal Company
- Industrial Design Division
- Industrial Welding
- Insurance Center Building
- Insurance Exchange
- International Building Saint Mary's Square
- Italian Hospital and Benevolent Association
- ITT World Communications
- Iwamasa Building
- J Barth & Company
- J.A. Folger and Company
- J.G. Grannis and Company
- J.S. Guerin & Company
- Jack Tar Hotel
- Jackson Steiner Apartments
- James A. Nelson Co., Inc.
- James Allen Meat Co.
- James L. Whittaker
- Japan Bear
- Japanese Cultural and Trade Center
- Jesse Lumsden
- Jewish Home Dietary Facility
- John Deer Building
- John G. Sutton Co.
- John Hammond and Co.
- John Penn
- Joseph Magnin
- Judson Manufacturing Co.
- K&H Manufacturing Co.
- Kaiser Hospital
- Kalk
- Kate Kennedy School
- Keenan Wm
- Kellogg
- Keppler
- Kern Trading and Oil
- Kerry's Restaurant
- Kilpatricks Bakery
- Korea Bear
- Koret of California
- Koret Stevenson Building
- Krogh Manufacturing Co.
- Kron Television
- Kullman Salz and Co.
- Kushing Pappagallo
- L & M Bakery - Warehouse Bldg.
- L. and E. Emanuel Co.
- L.D. Reeder Co.
- Lachman and Jacob
- Laffey
- Laguna Honda Hospital
- Laguna Honda Laundry
- Langendorf Bakeries
- Larsen & Larsen
- Lash Terminal
- Lagallet Hellwig Tanning Co.
- Leland Stanford Jr. University Hospital
- Letterman General Hospital
- Levi Straus - Fabric Testing Lab
- Lick Paper Co.
- Liquid Carbonic Corporation
- Lloyd Thomas
- Los Portoilas Building
- Louis Roesch Co.
- Lowell High School
- Luce Meats
- Lucky Lager Brewery
- Lutheran Church
- Lyman Hall
- M L Mithcell Buidling
- Macnicol & Co.
- Macy's Union Square
- Magic Pan Restaurant
- Mahoney Brothers Head Building
- Maison Mendessolle
- Mandarin Apartments
- Mandarin/Hull 268/USSB 1181 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Mangrum and Otter, Inc.
- Manneker Homes Inc.
- Mara Metals
- Marathon Oil
- Mare Island Navy Shipyard
- Margaret Lykes/Hull 270/USSB 1183 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Marin Dairymen's Milk Co.
- Mark Hopkins Childrens Hospital
- Mark Hopkins Hotel
- Market Street Cable Railway Co.
- Mars Metals Co.
- Marubeni America Corp.
- Mary's Help Hospital
- Masonic Temple
- Matson Building
- Matson Navigation Co.
- Matson S.S. Lines [SHIP]
- Matson Steamship Lines
- Matson Terminals
- Maxwell House
- Mccord
- Mendell Edwards
- Merced Milling Co.
- Merchants Exchange Building
- Merchants Ice and Cold Storage Co.
- Merck and Co., Inc.
- Merck Chemical
- Merck Marine Magnesium Division
- Mercy High School
- Merritt Ship Repair
- Metal and Thermite Corp.
- Metropolitan Life Building
- Metropolitan Light and Power Co.
- Meyerson Co.
- Mezzanine- 690 Market St.
- Millbrae Dairy
- Miller and Lux Co.
- Miller Lux, Inc.
- Mills Building
- Mills Field
- Milwaukee
- Miners Iron Works
- Mirant Corporation
- Mischief/Arneb/MCV 1159/Hull 246 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Mission Bay Shops
- Mission High School
- Mission Terrace Hospital
- Miyako Hotel
- Moffitt Field
- Molinari Salami Co.
- Monroe Insulation Industries
- Moore Dry Dock
- Moores Shipyard
- Mormacwren/Hull 271/USSB 1184 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Morning Light/Hull 266/USSB 1179 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Morris Plan Building
- Morrison and Bevilockway
- Moss Rubber & Equipment
- Mount Sutro Transmitter Facility
- Mount Zion Hospital
- Mullany
- Mundet Cork
- Mini Railway
- Municipal Light and Power Co.
- Murphy's Heating & Sheetmetal
- Mushet W E Co
- Musto Building
- Mutual Benefit Life
- Mutual Electric Light Company
- Nabisco
- National Broadcasting Studio
- National Ice Co.
- National Lead Co.
- National Lead Industries
- National Paper Products Co.
- Naval Station Treasure Island
- Navy Medical Offices
- Neff Buckner
- Neptune's Car/Hull 272/USSB 1185 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- New Mission Iron Works
- New Process Laundry
- North Block Office
- North Point Apartments
- North Point Sewage Treatment Plant
- North Shore Railroad Co.
- NRG Energy Center 'S' Plant
- O C Shop
- O'Brien Sportorno & Meats
- Oakland Post Office
- Ocean Shore Iron Works
- Ocean Shore Railway Co.
- Ocean Telegraph/Hull 273/USSB 1186 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- OCF Corporation
- Olympic Club
- One Market Plaza
- Oroweat Bakery
- Orpheum Building Co.
- Owens Corning Fiberglas
- P E Ohair
- Pacfic Gas & Electric Co. - Headquarters Building
- Pacific Air Lines
- Pacific Bell
- Pacific Bridge Co.
- Pacific Cereal Association
- Pacific Coast Transport Co.
- Pacific Commodities
- Pacific Drydock
- Pacific Drywall
- Pacific Fair
- Pacific Far East Lines, In.
- Pacific Foundry Co. Ltd.
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- Pacific Gas Improvement
- Pacific Gas Lamp Black and Electric Co.
- Pacific Improvement Co.
- Pacific Insurance Co.
- Pacific Lithograph
- Pacific Maritime Association
- Pacific Markets
- Pacific Medical Center
- Pacific Mutual Building
- Pacific Mutual Savings
- Pacific Power Co.
- Pacific Presbyterian Hospital
- Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center
- Pacific Rolling Mills Co.
- Pacific Sheet Metal Works
- Pacific Ship Repair
- Pacific Stock Exchange
- Pacific Telegraph & Telephone
- Pacific Union Club
- Palace Hotel
- Palace of the Legion of Honor
- Pan American Airway
- Paper Machine
- Paragon Wax
- Park Merced Apartments
- Parkside Library
- Parrott Estate
- Paul G. Baker (USS)
- Peerless Electric
- Pelton Junior High School
- Pemahurst State School
- PG&E
- Phelan Building
- Phillips & Van Order
- Piedmont Cable Co.
- Pier 19
- Pier 22
- Pier 23
- Pier 27
- Pier 29
- Pier 30
- Pier 31
- Pier 33
- Pier 34
- Pier 36
- Pier 39
- Pier 44
- Pier 46B
- Pier 46
- Pier 50
- Pier 54
- Pier 64
- Pier 90
- Pier 96
- Plant Asbestos Company
- Planters Nut and Chocolate Co.
- Planters Peanuts
- Plateau Supply Company
- Poetsch & Peterson
- Poly Hi Shop Area
- Polytech Hot Water
- Polytechnic High
- Pomeroy Building
- Pope & Talbot Steamship Co - Pier 38
- Port Costa Milling Co.
- Portilla Corporation
- Potrero Gas Plant
- Potrero Hill Middle School
- Potrero Powerhouse
- Power Generation
- Power Refrigeration Co.
- Presbyterian Church
- Presbyterian Hospital
- President Fillmore (fourth)
- President Harrison (second)
- Presidio
- Pringle Apartments
- Proctor & Gamble
- Prudential Grace Lines
- Pyramid
- Quality Motel
- R.H. Macy's
- Raffles Plaza Restaurant
- Raphael Weill School
- Ray Advertising
- Recorder Printing & Publishing
- Regal Amber Brewing Co.
- Reichhold Chemicals Inc.
- Remgal Asian Corp.
- Rialto Building
- Richard E. Giller
- Robert Dollar Building
- Rooming House - 165 GUERRERO STREET
- Roos Atkins
- Roscoe-Ajax-Knickerbocker
- Roy Anderson Paints
- Royal Blue Paint
- Royal Insurance Building
- Royal Tallow and Soap Co.
- Royal Tallow Co.
- Ruffino and Bianchi
- Russ Building
- S&Q Corporation
- S&W Fine Foods
- Sacomo Manufacturing
- Safeway
- Saint Anne's Church
- Saint Cecilias
- Saint Francis Hospital
- Saint Francis Hotel
- Saint Francis Medical
- Saint Francis Theatre
- Saint Luke's Hospital
- Saint Mary's
- Saint Mary's Circle Building
- Saint Mary's Hospital
- Saint Michael's Parish
- Saint Thomas Moore Church
- Salesian Boys Club
- Salvation Army - Chinatown
- Samoa Bear
- San Bernardino Borax Mining Co.
- San Domenico School
- San Franciscan Hotel
- San Francisco Airport
- San Francisco and San Mateo Railway Co.
- San Francisco Art Institute
- San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard
- San Francisco Brewing Co.
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Francisco City College
- San Francisco City Hospital
- San Francisco Community College
- San Francisco Convention Center
- San Francisco Courthouse
- San Francisco Dry Dock Co.
- San Francisco Examiner Building
- San Francisco Fire Department Station 17
- San Francisco Gavanizing
- San Francisco Gas and Electric Co.
- San Francisco Gas and Electric Light Co.
- San Francisco General Hospital
- San Francisco Golf Club
- San Francisco Hospital
- San Francisco Housing Authority
- San Francisco International Airport
- San Francisco Iron
- San Francisco Laundry Association
- San Francisco Museum
- San Francisco Museum of Art
- San Francisco Naval Shipyard
- San Francisco Naval Shipyard, Hunter's Point
- San Francisco Newspaper Printing Co.
- San Francisco Opera House
- San Francisco Piers
- San Francisco Port Authority
- San Francisco Pumping Station #2
- San Francisco Railway and Power Co.
- San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
- San Francisco Savings Union
- San Francisco Shipyard & Drydock
- San Francisco State College, various buildings
- San Francisco State University
- San Francisco Sulphur Co.
- San Francisco Telephone Building
- San Francisco Terrace Nursing Home
- San Francisco Tool Co.
- San Francisco Water Front
- San Francisco Welding
- San Francisco Wire & Iron
- Sanitary Luandry
- Santa Clara Plant
- Santa Clara/Hull 274/USSB 1187 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Santa Fe Team Track
- Santa Mariana/Hull 274/USSB 1187 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Saracco Tank
- Sarracoat Tank Co.
- Sassoon's
- Sawyer Bank
- Sayre & Tuso Incorporated
- Schlitz Brewery
- Schmidt Lithograph Co.
- Schroeder Iron Works
- Schroeder Refrigeration
- Scofield Construction Co.
- Scott Co.
- Sea Land
- Sea Mink
- Seaborne/Hull 274/USSB 1187 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Sees Candy
- Selby Smelting and Lead Co.
- Selix Co.
- Senior Citizen Building
- Senior Citizens Housing
- Seoul Mining Co.
- Sequilias Messanine
- Sequoia Apartments
- Sequoia Ventures Inc.
- Sequoia, Pasadena Team Track
- Sequoia, Santa Fe Team Track
- Sequoia's Low Rise Housing
- Sequois Apartments
- Service Engineering Co.
- Sewage Treatment Plant
- Shaketeers Restaurant
- Shauffer and Co.
- Shelby Smelting and Lead Co.
- Shell Building
- Shell Company of California
- Shell Oil Co.
- Sheraton Palace Hotel
- Shipowners & Merchants Towing
- Shreve and Co.
- Shriners Childrens Hospital
- Sierra and San Francisco Power Co., North Beach Station
- Sierra Club Offices
- Silver Avenue School
- Sir Francis Drake Hotel
- Skaggs Payless
- Skyline College
- Smith Hall - Statler Wing
- Smith Kettlewell
- Somerset Co.
- Soule Steel
- South San Francisco Hospital
- South School
- South Side Light and Power Co.
- Southern Pacific Co.
- Southern Pacific Equipment
- Southern Pacific Railroad
- Southern Pacific Team Track
- Southwest Marine
- Sperry Flour Company
- Spitfire/Capricornus/MCV 1160/Hull 247 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Spreckles Sugar Company
- Spring Valley Water Works
- St Dominics Church
- St Francis Hotel
- St Francis Memorial Hospital
- St Francis Yacht Club
- St Josephs Hospital
- St Lukes Hospital
- St Marys Hospital & Medical Center
- St. Ignatius High School
- St. Mary's Cathedral
- St. Mary's Cathedral School & Convent
- Stan Flowers Co.
- Standard American Dredging Co.
- Standard Brands
- Standard Engineering Co.
- Standard Oil Company of California
- Standard Rubber Co.
- Stanford Court Hotel
- Stanford University, various bldgs.
- Star of Sea Church
- Star of Sea High School
- State Board of Harbor Commissioners
- State Building
- State College, Physical Science Building
- State Department of General Services
- State Finance Building
- States Steamship Co. - Pier 15
- States Steamship Co. - Pier 80
- Station A
- Station P
- Stauffer and Co.
- Stauffer Chemical Co.
- Stecker Training
- Stemples Doughnuts
- Stockham
- Stonestown Apartments
- Stonestown Shopping Center
- Submarine Dry Dock
- Sumitomo Bank
- Superior Alloys Co.
- Supply Office - Naval Dry Dock
- Sutro Railway Co
- Sweeney Building
- Swift & Co.
- Swift Meat Slaughter
- Swinerton & Walberg Co.
- Swiss American Sausage
- Sylmar Packing Co.
- Synanon
- Syntex Skid #2
- Syufy Enterprises
- Tacoma
- Taffy Meat Co.
- Tank Insulation
- Tatum and Bowen
- Tay Holbrook
- Telephone Building
- Tenco Division of Coca-Cola Co.
- Terminal Island Shipyard
- Textured Coatings of San Francisco
- The Sequoias-San Francisco on Cathedral Hill
- Theo Hamm Brewing Co.
- Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Lynch
- Thunderhead/Hull 274/USSB 1187 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Tiffany's Jewelers
- Tingey
- Tishman Building
- Todd Shipyard
- Toronto Dominion Bank
- Town School for Boys
- Tracy Engineering Co.
- Transamerica Building
- Transamerica Pyramid Building
- Transit Sheds
- Trathen
- Treasure Island
- Treasure Island Naval Reserve
- Triple A Machine Shop - Pier 64
- Trojan Hospital
- Tulare (USS)
- Twining
- U.S. Navy
- U.S. Naval Station
- UC Medical & Dental
- UC San Francisco
- UCSF - UC Medical Center
- Ulloa School
- Underground Construction Co.
- Union
- Union Lumber Co.
- Union Oil Company of California
- Union Pacific
- Union Square Plaza Restaurant
- Union Square Plaza
- Union Trust Co.
- United Air Lines
- United Artists Theater
- United California Bank
- United Cogen, Inc.
- United Electric and Gas Power Co.
- United Engineering
- United Fruit Lines
- United Railroads of San Francisco
- United States Laundry Co.
- United States Lines Co.
- United States Mint
- United States Naval Training Station
- United States Navy Post Graduate School
- United States Steel Corporation
- United State Veterans Administration Hospital
- United Textiles Co.
- Univac Division of Sperry Rand
- Universal Fireproofing Corp.
- Universal Tire and Rubber Co.
- University of California Hospital
- University of California, various bldgs.
- University of San Francisco, various bldgs.
- US appraisers Building
- US Assay Office
- US Coast Guard
- US Cold Storage
- US Court of Appeals
- US Customs Building
- US Food and Drug Administration
- US General Hospital
- US Mint
- US Naval Station, Treasure Island
- US Public Health Service Hospital
- US Submarine and Destroyer Docks
- USNS Colonial
- USNS Vanderberg, Pier 36
- USS Cape Romano [SHIP]
- USS Markab AR23 [SHIP]
- USS Twining [SHIP]
- Utah Power and Light Co.
- Uvalde/Hull 275/USSB 1188 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Vagabond Motel
- Vammen (USS)
- Vanderson
- Vantage Progress/Hull 266/USSB 1179 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Vermont Marble Co.
- Veterans Administration Hospital
- Viavi Co.
- Victory Carriers, inc.
- Visitation Water Co.
- W.P. Fuller and Company
- Wabash Oil Co.
- Walgreen Drug Store
- Walker & Moody
- Wally Heider Recording Studio
- Warrick/Hull 276/USSB 1189 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Water Disposal Plant
- Waterloo Spur, Western Pacific Railway
- Waterman Steamship Corp.
- Wedderburn
- Weed Lumber Co.
- Wells Die Casting
- Wells Fargo
- Wells Fargo, Santa Fe Team Track
- Wenrick & Associates
- West Coast Ins.
- West Winds Inc.
- Western Addition Apartments
- Western Airlines
- Western Apartments
- Western Asbestos / Western MacArthur
- Western Asbestos Warehouse
- Western Cal-Allen Meat Co.
- Western Girl Inc.
- Western MacArthur Co.
- Western Meat Co.
- Western Pacific
- Western Pipe & Steel Co.
- Western Pipe & Steel Shipyard
- Western Sugar Refinery
- Western Title Insurance Co.
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation
- Westside Health Center
- Westwind Shipyard
- White House
- White Rogers
- White Swallow/MCV 1158/Hull 245 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Whitehall/Hull 272/USSB 1185 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Whitehurst (USS)
- Whiteside/Hull 277/USSB 1190 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Whitley/Hull 278/USSB 1191 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Wild Pigeon/Hull 275/USSB 1188 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- William C. Cole (USS)
- William C. Lawe
- William T. Garrett and Co.
- William Taafe Tanning Co.
- William Taaffe Meat Co.
- William Deawond and Co.
- Williams Diamond & Co.
- Willmarth (USS)
- Wilsey Bennett Vegetable Oil Products
- Wilson Meat Co.
- Wilson School
- Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
- Wine Industries
- Wings of the Morningside/Hull 277/USSB 1190 - Moore Dry Dock [SHIP]
- Witter (USS)
- Woman's State Hospital
- Woodrow Wilson School
- Woodside Gardens Apartments
- Yarnall
- Yellow Cab Co.
- Yosemite Lumber Co.
- Youth Guidance Center
- U.S.S. Midway [SHIP]
- U.S.S. Markab AR23 [SHIP]
San Francisco Zip Codes Served
Our mesothelioma attorneys have represented hundreds of clients like you in almost every state. No matter where you are, we can help. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and would like to consult a mesothelioma lawyer in San Francisco about your legal rights to compensation, CLICK HERE for a free consultation or call us at 800-300-2919.
Below are zip codes served in San Francisco, CA:
94102, 94103, 94104, 94105, 94107, 94108, 94109, 94110, 94111, 94112, 94114, 94115, 94116, 94117, 94118, 94121, 94122, 94123, 94124, 94127, 94129, 94130, 94131, 94132, 94133, 94134, 94158
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